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~*~*~ Hallowe'en Writing Tutorial~*~*~

This tutorial is an easy tutorial. We are going to create a couple of different style of Hallowe'en Writing. I hope you like these. It doesn't take too much time. This is an Intermediate to Beginner tutorial. You will learn through this tutorial how to create three different styles.


Below is a zip file for the fonts required to complete this tutorial. This tutorial is created in PSP, but also requires a free filter by Eye Candy, called 3.01. Go here to get the filter.

Halloween Zip

Open the zip and place the Fonts in Your Font Folder.


~*~Pumpkin Writing~*~

Lets Begin!

Create a new canvas, 700 pixels wide by 100 pixels high. Transparent background, 16.7 mill. colors.

We are going to create the following first!

First flood fill your bottom layer a solid colour. I used #FDCE97. Go to your font tool, click on your canvas, then following the settings below create the word Happy Hallowe'en.

Now you should have two layers in your layer palette. This should also be a vector. Go to your layer palette, right click and change this layer to a rastor layer. Take your eraser tool, size 10, the rest does not matter, and erase the line in the center of the A and the O in Hallowe'en.

Here is what you should have

Take your magic wand tool, 0 tolerance, 0 feather, antialis checked and click anywhere outside of the typing. Go to selections invert. Then Selections, modify, contract by 1 pixel.

Go to your bottom layer and add a new rastor layer. Change your stroke, or foreground colour to #F78B17. A bright orange.

Take your flood fill tool and click in each letter or a few letters, you need each letter flood filled a solid colour.

Go to image effects, blinds. Use the following settings:

Keep it selected, and go to your plugins filter, Eye Candy 3.01. Go to Inner Bevel and apply the following setting.


Go to your top layer, add a new rastor layer. Now zoom in twice. Move the bottom slider to get the o in Hallowe'en to appear! Change your foreground colour to black. Get your preset shapes tool, shape triangle, style filled, antialise checked. Draw a triangle the size of a pumpkins eye. Edit copy it, edit paste it as a new selection for the opposite eye, and edit paste as a new selection for the nose. Take your draw tool, solid line, freehand, size 1, antialise checked and draw a mouth. Then take your paint tool, add a new layer and draw a stick at top for your pumpkin. Go to selections, select all, select float, select modify contract by 1, and flood fill with a green. I used #008000.

Here is what you should have:

Now go to the A that we erased the center of and add a new layer. Your triangle is still copied so edit paste as a new selection two for eyes, and one for the nose. No mouth is required on the A, but do find the layer you added your stick to, duplicate this layer by right clicking on your layer palette, then position it over the A.

Go to your layer palette, turn off the bottom layer. Go to a layer above it, any layer, right click then merge visable. Add the following drop shadow.


~*~Ghost Writing~*~

Open a 700 x 100 pixel canvas. Transparent background, 16.7 mill. colors.

Get your type tool, and type Happy Hallowe'en with the following settings:

Convert this layer to a rastor layer and rename it Black Ghost, if you do not know how, read through Pumpkin Writing.

Take your magic wand, 0 feather, antialis checked tolerance 0. Click anywhere outside the letters. Go to Selections, invert. Selections modify, contract by 1.

Add a new rastor layer just above the first layer and below your type layer. Change your (foreground) stroke colour to white. Take your flood fill tool and fill in each letter, solid. Keep it selected.

Go to effects, inner bevel. Apply the following, and Keep it selected after.

Add a new rastor layer above the bottom layer. Change your (foreground) stroke colour to #F78B17, a broight orange. Now if you prefer, you can turn off the white fill layer. Take your flood fill tool, flood fill solid the centers again but with the orange. Now that you have done this, deselect.

Go to gaussian blur, change the blur radius to 12.00 and apply. Duplicate this layer. Turn back on the white fill layer. Go to your bottom layer, change the (foreground) stroke colour to black. Flood fill your bottom layer black, or whatever colour you want your background to be. Your finished this one. Holding the shift key, hit the D key, and make a duplicate.


~*~Spooky Writing~*~

Take the duplicate of Ghost Writing. Delete the black ghost layer. Go to Gaussian blur, soften and apply twice to the white fill layer. Take the smudge tool with the following settings

and at the bottom of the letters mudge down creating the following.

Merge flatten, and save. This one reminds me also of Marshmellow goo.

© TTG Sunday, September 02, 2001

This tutorial is copywrited to: ©2001, TTG All rights and restrictions apply. No duplication, copying, or linking is allowed unless you contact me through the following feedback.

If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, use the following feedback to contact Us. No nudies or rudies, it won't even be read, only the Best is offered at TTG.

get this gear!

Created Friday, August 31, 2001

To view other tutorials written by TTG go here.