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Making Gems From Simple Draws

Requires: Blade Pro, Paint Shop Pro, and EyeCandy4000. All of these have demo's online for free.

Gems can be made in a variety of ways from simple draws. Its the pattern in the draw which makes them look so delicate and the nice part about it is, the design is all your own. If you arrived here from the tutorial Making Simple Draw Patterns then you already have a pattern in mind. Go down to Begin: If you didn't come from my tutorial Simple Draw, then you can either create the pattern or use one of mine. Below are two patterns, just right click then save as.


Now to create from the above graphic, open it in psp, then go to select all, change your foreground colour to black, then select modify, select transparent colour, go to foreground colour and enter the value of 20. Go to select invert, then select modify expand by 1 then hit your delete button. This creates a bit of a jagged edge. I find it best to create my own.

To create your own Pattern


To Begin:

Go to select all, select float, then go to blade pro, choose a gold or silver setting. Something which gems are set in. Then select none.

Then go to preset shapes, circle, filled, vector and antialised checked and draw a circle

Move if necessary your gem to the exact center, then once your happy with its shape and size, go to your layer palette and change it to a rastor layer. Then select a colour for your gem, select all, select float, flood fill it with this colour, deselect, then go to eye candy4000 and select glass, setting snow, increase the bevel to 55, you can decrease the opacity slightly. Apply, then select noise, uniform 3, apply if you have pixeled lines in your stone.

Change your foreground colour to white. Then go to preset, circle, stroke, width 3 antialise and vector checked and draw a ring around the edge of your gem. It is created as a vector so you can make certain it fits over the gem correctly. Once you are satisfied, convert it to a rastor. Select all, select float and apply the same blade pro setting as previous. Select none.

Now go to image, effect, drop shadow and apply with the following settings. Opac 54, blur 4, vert and horiz. negative -2.

To make the clasps I use a font dingbat, You could select the edge of your gem setting and edit copy it and edit paste it as a new layer. P is the one I used in this example, sized at 26, letter a. Make sure you make it white. Then apply your blade pro setting to it. Move it to the edge of the gem. Then duplicate it, mirror, duplicate flip and duplicate mirror it once more. Then turn off all other layers except your clasps and merge, then add the same drop shadow as previous, except lower the opacity to 44. Turn on all layers except your background and merge visable. You can then add another drop shadow if you like. Your gem is finished. There are many different blade pro settings etc for making gems. Have fun and be creative! Here is my finished Gem.

...and another..

ŠJune 08, 2001 To The Tilly Garden

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