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Let's Make A BirdHouse!

Right Click The Graphic above and save it to your harddrive.

Open The Image in PaintShop Pro.

In The image above you will notice

that the color palette is limited.

This is because the image is only

256 colors. We must increase them.

And Then You Should see......

Now Grab Your Magic Wand Tool!

These are the settings that I use. Check psp Help for more info on how the settings work.

Now the Object is Nicely Selected by marching ants!

Now Choose "Selections" and then "Invert"

Choose Selections and Invert

(Nothing will visually happen to your image. It will look the same)

Now hit "Edit" and then "Copy" . (You are copying the image into your computers memory.

A shortcut for copying is holding down your control key and hitting C on your keyboard.

Now we will hit "Edit" and then "Paste as a New Image"


Now you should have your birdhouse on a transparent background ! Go ahead and close down the first birdhouse image. We won't be needing it anymore.

Now Grab your "Magnify" Tool and click on our birdhouse to ZOOM in.

As we ZOOM in closer around the object we can see jagged and off-color pixels that need to be cleaned-up.