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Long Hair Country

The Land where the long hair grows


There are many countries in the world with beautiful long-haired women. But in some of them it seems that there are more such women than elsewhere. Let’s discover such countries. This time our long hair country is the Ukraine:

Найдовше волосся, найдовшої коси,Марья Краса – длинная коса, самых длинных волос, самые длинные волосы, Коса моя  краса моя



Irina Ubrashayeva from the town of Lugansk is a typical example for the beauty of the women in the Ukraine. She has sent in her photo to join an Online Long Hair Contest in 2002.









A. Resnikova, another girl from Lugansk, shows off her lengthy blonde braids.










A. Resnikova at the beaches of the Black Sea.










Xenia Pavlova, born 1989, is proud of her dense hair which has a length of 1,34 meters (52 inches). She lives in Donetsk.











Another Ukrainian girl.










Elenia Solomoniuk wants to grow her hair to ankle-length.











A. Vlyasuk, a woman from Charkov.











Yulia Beresnaya from Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine.











Yana Melnik, born 1986, has a wonderful mane of 1,16 meters (45 inches) in length and lives in Kiev too.










Natalia Vassileva, born 1967, is really a Rapunzel in the woods. She lives in Lugansk.










Natalia Vassileva with freshly unbraided hair which easily reaches to her ankles even in braids.












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