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Prayers To Heaven~Ex votos by LuLu

What are ex votos?

From the land of Mexico come ex votos. They are paintings on wood, paper, or mostly metal that are thank-yous for miracles performed (such as a healing), answered prayers, and blessings received.

Usually they are commissoned pieces where the person in need would hire an artist to paint out the image. The art work is then placed in a church or home altar, and prayers begin.

Once the desired result is achieved, the painting is moved out of the holy area and simply placed elsewhere in the home or may be given to a friend, relative, or priest.

The pieces in this collection are part of LuLu's ongoing visual diary done in brilliant, juicy, color-soaked paint on wood.

LuLu spent nearly a year living in a border town, eating carne asada, hot tamales, and sipping tequila. You might say that the goat toenail rattles, Day of the Dead sugar skulls, and waking up to lizards staring her in the face have influenced her work.

The Ex Voto Devotional Paintings

Surf on over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Artgirl Antix
