Barbie - Bubblecut - 1961

Barbie Bubblecut

This is a 1998 reproduction of the 1961 "Bubblecut" Barbie. If you haven't figured it out yet, "bubblecut" refers to her short "bubble-like" hairdo. This reproduction was available in both a brunette and a blond. She is wearing a reproduction dress called "Silken Flame".

Barbie Bubblecut

This reproduction looks very similar to the original "Bubblecut" doll. The original was also available with reddish or what was called "titian" colored hair. She also had various shades of lip color. Some of these pink or red colors have faded over time so the orignal dolls may appear to have white or yellow colored lips. "Bubblecuts" are among the most commonly found vintage dolls today

Barbie Bubblecut

This doll also came red coat, purse and hat which is a reproduction of the Barbie clothing set called "Red Flare".

This page last modified 18-May-2002

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All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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