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Quid Novi

Jowett-Sendelar Essay Competition - 2001
Congratulations to Helen McCabe for her prize winning ("with merit") essay on Homer and also for having an extract from her imaginative piece on the myth of Orpheus published in the OMNIBUS magazine.



Calendar of Events:

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Villiers Park

Have you considered a Villiers Park Reading Week? Unsure? Too much like hard work? Boring? Read on!

On Tuesday 16th February 1999, I set off to join a week-long reading party for Classical Civilisation at Villiers Park in Foxton, which is situated near Cambridge. After reading the list of students attending and the schools they went to I realised, with some terror, that they were mostly Public School pupils and I was expecting a dull week with monotonous lectures and surrounded by snooty intellectuals.

I could not have been more wrong, everybody was completely down-to-earth and the course was absolutely fascinating. This course was a turning point in my classical education and it has made me realise that I wish to study it to degree level. Villiers Park holds courses for most subjects - from Classics to Engineering - and I would recommend it to anyone.

James Turner A1D

