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Acanthus decoration from the Erechtheion temple on the Acropolis

You probably know already about the INTERnet which brings the whole world together - well the INTRAnet is the School’s own world of information and here is your chance of a sneak preview!

The A level Classical Civilisation Home Page is part of the School INTRANET - a web of information pages which tell students all they need to know about a subject.

From the Home Page you can move to linked pages , just by clicking on any of the gods in the top panel or on the sculptures in the left panel. There are important questions on this page. Let the mouse hover for a moment over each image and check in the bottom bar before you click!

Welcome to the Home Page of Classical Civilisation.

The subject involves the study of the civilisations of the Greeks and Romans. Most students will know a little bit of Greek and Roman Mythology but comparatively few, if any, will have had the opportunity to study it at school.

The temple of Hephaistos
You are indeed very privileged to be able to study this subject. It is not always available on the school curriculum . Spend some time looking around this site. Enjoy the Classical Experience.

Coming soon!

A page dedicated to all those pictures of buildings, sites, vases and such which are mentioned in class, but never seem to be on to show you. Go here The pictures have arrived! And not just pictures, but also links to further discussion of the images. You can suggest an image for inclusion on this page by contacting me here.

How are some of our former Classics students getting on at University? Find out here

What's in the Cabinet?

What will I study?

To find out more about the modular scheme and the various modules you will study, click on Hephaistos' picture in the top frame.

To see some good examples of student work, just click on Hera's bust in the left frame.

If if you want to know what's happening and what's new in the world of Classics, just click on Paionius' statue of Nike in the left panel.

And for some cool links and carousel fun, click on Demeter in the top frame

notice boardCheck here for the latest news for your class! Exam dates are here. What's on the Papers?


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