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Richard Montemurro


I am a retired educator, having taught Business Education and completing my career in the Business Office as Director of  Business Services. 
I have dabbled in art since I began teaching in the 50's.  Mainly as a diversion for my  frustrations after a day's teaching. I began to create abstract oil paintings.  It was a great feeling throwing paint on canvas pretending I was smashing something or some one instead of doing it for real.
I became interested in photography in the 60's and have done a lot of traveling in the US and Canada, amassing over 40,000 images.  Then, in the 80's I became interested in the computer as a means of creating the work I was doing in the darkroom, allowing me to get away from the fumes of the chemicals and giving me much more freedom to experiment with the kind of things that would take days to do in a darkroom.
Now that I have retired, I hope to pursue the world of ART full time, having fun in the process and maybe even making a few bucks from it once in a while. 

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Last updated: October 31, 2001.