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Reiki, a Japanese word which means "Universal life energy" is an ancient re-discovered natural healing technique involving the placement of hands over the clothed body in order to help channel energy. Reiki helps enhance the natural healing process of the body, relieves stress, promotes deep relaxation, and helps to relieve pain, aids concentration, boosts the immune system, increases joint mobility, and helps the body detox. Reiki is an Holistic Therapy. It recognises the interconnection and interplay between mind, body and soul. It is very gentle and non-intrusive.


Reiki is not of any religion, creed or doctrine and the recipient does not need any preparation for the treatment other than the desire to get better. Sessions last approximately 1 hour. Reiki Classes To enable you to help yourself I now offer Reiki classes.

Reiki 1: For your own self healing.


I am aware that you may like to further your journey into Reiki and in helping you to do so I provide Reiki 1, Advance, and Master classes.


For further information or an appointment contact Margaret Anne

It is always sensible to check with your Doctor before beginning any change in lifestyle

About Margaret Anne MacKenzie