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The Treatment is based on the Anne Penmam Therapy which is the most advanced treatment for smoking cessation. It combines:-  Laser Treatment,  Counselling,  &  Back-up Support.

 Laser Treatment  involves the application of a cold, soft, non-evasive laser beam to specific energy points on the body; this is completely safe and painless. This helps stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural chemical, which deals with the relief of pain and stress. It is believed that nicotine releases endorphins which give the smoker a sense of relaxation. When smoking stops, the sudden drop in endorphin levels leads to withdrawal symptoms. Laser treatment helps reduce the craving, stress, and restore balance.
Counselling is based on the client-centred motivational model which focuses on self-belief and positive thinking. During the treatment the Anne Penmam Programme will help you deal with the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of quitting smoking. Back-up Support A helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing ongoing support to secure lifestyle changes and remain smoke-free.


For further information or an appointment contact Margaret Anne

Is always sensible to check with your Doctor before beginning any change in lifestyle