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DISCLAIMER: The Arica way (service marked by Sterling Doughty) is not connected in any way with the Arica Institute Inc., Oscar Ichazo or the Oscar Ichazo Foundation. It is part of a cult awareness site whose purpose is to provide information and assistance to persons whose experience with Arica Institute and Arica trainings has not brought the advertised results. Based on current information, there are hundreds of people whose lives and careers were damaged, some severely, through contact with Arica. Many others should be in a position to sue Arica et. al. for false advertising and deception, among many other points. They are encouraged to share their stories here. If enough verified stories are received it may be possible to file a substantial class action suit against Arica, Ichazo and all of those who are currently teaching Arica material and those entities who are knowingly promoting such teachings: i.e The International Enneagram Association and Esalen Institute (which alas has two Aricans on its board). The depositions alone will be fantastically enlightening material. Please send an email to: for further information.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: I received the following information in the summer of 2004, with a request to post it on metaton, then came a letter asking me not to post it and then another letter asking me to post it. In view of some of the recent comments by Currently Activated Arica Spin Doctors on the EIDB, lauding the valuable personal results of the CultArica Work without however, providing any scientific proof or meaningfully addressing Lord Ichazo's delusional claims, it seems appropriate to post Mr Vandenberg's opinion. I do not know Tim, nor do I have any particular comment in respect to the content of his letter. It is posted here only in the interest of providing more complete information concerning this interesting subject.]

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 00:25:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: tim vandenberg

Dear Sterling:
I didn't realize I was at a low level of consciousness when I sent you the last e-mail. I had too much faith in Oink [Acronym for Oscar Incorporated]when I spent my $2400. Maybe you could print the following under the link "Mail-Ordering from the SKuULL". Let me know whether you can put it on your website or not.
Also, I never had mental illness until I joined Arica. Ever since I developed schizophrenia I have been unable to put myself under hypnosis. I was wondering if you had the same problem. Hypnosis is helpful for healing the body as well as for pain control.
Because of my schizophrenia I have spent over $2400 on what I call the Enneagram of Useless Bullshit trainings. These following trainings (all of which are home trainings and some of which come with beautiful binders and yantras) aren't worth the shit or prove me differently. Beside each training I have written how much money I spent on that training.

1. Kinerhythms(which don't open up conjunction point 6) $90 plus s&h
2. Pneumorythm $90 plus s&h
3. Psychoalchemy $120 plus s&h (if I remember correctly)
4. Rainbow eye $182.50 plus s&h
5. Alpha Heat ritual $400
6. 8th Level Preparation $250
7. Initiation into the Universe of Light ritual $150
8. Divine Mind $500
9. 9 yantras which are part of Divine Mind $108
10. Divine Ideas $500

The following products are also a waste of money:

The temple ritual book
Improving concentration
Fire exercise
Fire ritual
Ceremonies into the clear light state of transcendence
Equal Meditation 3
Destiny of the Dragon Master
Harmonic Consciousness Meditation
(breathing is a much more effective form of pain relief as well as for healing the body)
Some Arica journals (I couldn't find any gems anyway)
Hypergnostic Meditations
(The Hypergnostic meditation is part of the Daily Routine manual.
The other two meditations of the evening routine--Reviewing the Day and The Aura Protection Meditation also have no value.)
I'm sure there are people in the SKuULL who would agree with me on this.
If reading this has helped you to save money, please consider sending me some of the money you've saved.
My financial situation is intolerable because of Arica.
You will remain anonymous.
My name and address are:
Tim Vandenberg / 9-16 George St. / Norwich ON / N0J 1P0 /Canada.

Further Reading

Metaton Home Page
Science Anyone?
Trifix Training
Enneagram or Enneagon?
