

I would like to dedicate this
page to my best friend Ellen,
May we always share our friendship...


I would like to tell you about my friend Ellen.

     How wonderful my best friend is to me. We met on the net in a chat room and have grown to be very close.  If ever one would  believe that a person could become close over the internet and bond so quickly it would be now.  Ellen is the friend I have always looked for.  She is honest, caring, and wonderful.  I believe that God brings people together for a reason.  I don't know what our reason is yet but, whatever he has in store for us is fine with me.  I have become friends with few on the internet but never would I have known that my best friend would be found in cyber space.  We chatted for hours on that first night.  Shared stories of the different lives we lived. I can remember back to that special moment that I knew in my heart she was the special someone that was missing from my life.  I instantly felt her integrity and her knowledge.  Her faith in God was truly uplifting.  I could tell how deeply true this special Angel would be to me.

     The next morning I woke, hurried to check my email and there it was!  I had a message from my new found friend, long and so heart warming.  This new friend had also felt the bond between us. That was the beginning of a wonderful, growing, honest, friendship.  We continued to share stories of ourselves and our families.  We started calling each other and found we had so much to share.  She and I had many inner thoughts and feelings that were alike.  It was almost as if we had been friends all our lives.  Soul mates, sisters.

     Soon we began sending letters and pictures.  Our husbands and children could see this happiness we had in finding one another and soon they too were involved.  Then , one day, she told me it was time for her and I to meet.  Not less than 3 weeks and she was on her way to see me!  She drove many miles to spend 10 days with my family and I, here where we live in the Ozark Mountains.  I cried so many tears of happiness for this special moment that we would remember for the rest of our lives.  Ellen and her three girls drove up the long road to my house where I stood open hearted and open armed.  Our embrace was real and fulfilling.  We had a wonderful visit.  Camping and going to lots of fun places.  The children playing and laughing.  The days went by so quickly.  I could only savour each moment we shared during her short stay.  Three months later I was able to fly to see Ellen and her family. Oh, what a joyous time we had.  I met her mother, brother , nieces, friends and church members.  The time was short but went graciously by.

     Together we shared or fears, anger, anxieties, and worries.  We also shared our laughter, love, understanding and joys.  It was like the children we were inside came to the surface.  With each chapter in our lives we became closer.  Like sharing souls.  I didn't need to hear the words she had to say because I could feel them within my heart.  Ellen was given the gift of song.  Many times she would call and sing beautiful songs to me. In the songs I could here the love she and I shared.  I don't know if you know how song can bring rejoicing to ones life but with her voice I felt it all.  One particular song that will remain in my mind is wind beneath my wings.

Through disagreements, arguments, love and faith.

     We came through it with a better understanding of one another.  I became a new person.  I truly found the Lord with her.  Our being friends now made complete sense to me.  God has a plan for all living souls.  I have reason to believe his plan for us was to help me grow in faith.

     At this time we are not talking often. We send emails few and far between.  Do to unforeseen circomstances Ellen and I are not able to communicate at this time.  I will continue to post this page as she is my best friend and will always be. I have found Jesus Christ through her wisdom and willingness to share with me what she has learned.  I will remain her true and loving friend until the Angels come for me....

     I have many, many, thankful words to give to my best friend.  It seems though words are just not enough.  I want to share my worldly time here on earth with Ellen and this time I have left I want to spend with my best friend in life.  I completely and truly have all faith in our Lord to keep us strong in our time of need and confusion.  I know Ellen knows my heart as Jesus does.  Maybe we became close to fast.  We have allowed people and things get in the way of our friendship.  I am not in total acceptance of this separation.

     You have come into my life, touched my heart and soul. I will never ever be the same.  Oh, Ellen, how do I tell you how much your friendship means to me? What a blessing you are in my life.  How thankful I am that you came into my life.  How much laughter and joy you have given me.  How do I ever tell you how much I miss you if you decide to go.  How could I ever find the words to say good-bye to you? How do I explain that I will always cherish the times we have shared.  How can I think of the plans we cannot keep?  Times we are missing by not talking.  You will always remain in my heart no matter the decisions you make. You have given me much.  Always caring and honest. Freely giving of what you are and believe in to all that enter your life.  I pray that jesus holds you tight in his arms as the Angels above sing our song.  I pray and I pray that you will know how very special you are to me.

God Bless you my friend,
Para siempre,

Maria mOOn .......



*This is my best friend Ellen*

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.




Press button for a pop-up
to read the special poem
with visual effects
beautifully describing how I
feel about my best friend.

Friends In Love

Written by: Angelblueyes


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