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In Memory Of Tracy

Left Us With a Message

We all feel the sorrow,
such as a tragic loss.
Heart so full of love for all,
She really paid the cost.
The tempter came and stole her.
Oh Lord, these times we live,
how she's with the angels there.
No more she'll have to give.
He could steal here body,
and cause us all to mourn.
He couldn't take her soul away,
with Jesus she's reborn.
She's left us with a message,
let it wake up those that hear,
cast out the lies that Satan tells.
Like her, draw Jesus near.

Chris Cullum Copyright 7/96

Dedicated to
the family and friends of
Tracy Hilliard

You're asking, "who was Tracy?", is a valid question, since I lured you here.Tracy was a friend of mine. The Holy Spirit laid Her on my heart, that is, to bring Her to Jesus. I tried to convince Her to come to Church with my family. She would always say that she would come but wouldn't make it. Her usual good bye was "pray for me". This went on for about a year when it happened, cocaine overdose. Tracy laid in the ICU in a coma, brain dead. Her Mother just said "She's gone". Her eyes were wide open and you could tell Her soul was still alive. We granted Her the good bye request I remembered so well. The three of us prayed for Her salvation. We didn't know how deep Tracy was in Her addictions. It was a sad time in my Christian walk. Mom asked me to speak at the funeral, this poem is the only thing the Holy Spirit had me to say. There were scores of druggies there including me but I had stopped. To say the least, the poem ministered to all in attendance. Her death surely saved a lot of lives.I know in some way that explains the tragedy. Her 33 years had been a short and colorful life. Let's help her story keep ministering. Copy this document and distribute it to all the youth groups, treatment centers, School counselors or somebody that you know is using drugs etc. Above all if the small still voice tells you to witness or minister to someone, do it!
It could be their last chance.

Please copy and distribute this document...

Let Her story live on...

Chris Cullum, Author

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