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What is the sound of one hand clapping?
What does the "Mind" look like?
Which finger holds the key to endless power?

These are some of the tricky questions that we as people have tried to answer for centuries.

A lot of people think of the soul(conscience) and mind as being the same thing. Even more think of the mind as being part of the brain; consisting of neurons and chemical reactions. In truth the mind is a tool for the soul along with the body. Along with but separate from the body. We can safely come to this conclusion; if we make a few quick observations. Where is the mind? Scholars have concluded that part of it is the thing that you call "I." The I is the ego. This is the aspect of self that gives you your identity. It is the interface that operates between your thoughts and your experieneces usually as judgements e.g. I am not that which I see - whereas in fact you are that which you see - "I am that" is ultimately correct. Without ego to separate us then we would be that which we see and therefore we would be formless and therefroe we would be part of God - which we are anyway. So Point to it. You might point to your head, but if you cut off your body are you still you? You might say that it is your brain, but when your brain is worm food and the body is rotted away will you cease to exist? The answer will escape you time and time again. Eventually you will realise that "you" are not your body, nor your feelings nor your thougts. That you are in fact NOTHING. It is your thoughts when given belief that creates your reality - including the person that you see in the mirror. Therefore, If you could point to it you would only be fooling yourself. Just as you cannot look at your own face without a reflection, you cannot fathom your own mind with itself.

Since analization does not work too well what do we do? Let me try to explain... The mind is like a computer. It processes information for the soul and the ego. The benefit and purpose of the mind is to solve the soul's karmic problems.

If we have a problem that the soul cannot solve, the mind deals with it. For example, distinguishing between good and evil. There are no absolutes here. It is all "from a certain point of view." If we say,"killing is evil," then what happens when you have to go to war? Is killing not evil when defending the innocent from a mad man? These are things we have to work out for ourselves with the minds help.

Like a computer we need to clear the "cache" once in a while. The problem is that we are taught that memory is the most important aspect of mind. We try to store everything we see in there-----but we can't.The mind gets full. Stressed from not being present and aware and living in the future. So we can't think clearly. Luckily we don't have to. The mind was designed as a control center for problem solving and the ancients had a technique, that is still used today to optimize it's performance by bringing it into the NOW.

This skill is called,"Meditation."The single most important tool for the mind. Meditation is easy to learn. All you need is a little willpower, some self-control and the proper technique for YOU. Just sit still, wherever you are and try not to think. Easy you think right? You will soon realize (usually on your own in about 20 years !) that you cannot stop the thoughts. So just let the thoughts go. Ignore them. Watch them come to mind and watch them leave. At this point you will see that you must not be the thinker because then who is watching the thoughts? Mastery on the other hand is a different story. There are many different techniques you can learn and various practices to do with these techniques.

In this Guild we will cover meditation basics and many other topics related to the mind. If you would like to know more about a certain topic or would like other knowledge about the mind you can E- mail us at: D's

Also visit the "The Guild of Body,"and "The Guild of Spirit."

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