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Below are some Gestures that I use in ritual.

I use these to avert negativity.
I use my projective hand and make a fist,I Jut the thumb out between the first and Middle fingers and use in the direction of the negativity.
On another, I Form a v with the first and little finger, clench the rest and point DOWN, bending the wrist direct at the direction of negativity.

I Use my left hand, the thumb and first finger are held up and curled in a half circle,I tuck the rest of the fingers against the palm, and use this gesture to invoke the goddess in any of her many forms.

For the invocation of the god in any of his many forms I use my right hand and Make a fist, I extend the first and Fifth finger, tucking the other fingers away and holding the extended fingers up.
In another I Raise the first and middle finger, tuck the rest against the palm and hold up.
Another God gesture that I use is to Raise my first and fourth finger, and tuck the rest against the palm and hold up

When invoking the elements, I approach each direction in turn. For the East, I use an upraised left hand, Spreading the fingers to invoke air.

On approaching the South, an upraised left clenched fist invokes fire.

At the West, a left cupped hand invokes water.

In the North, I hold the left hand flat, parallel to the ground to invoke earth.

To aid in attuning and invoking the Goddesses Energies, I assume the Goddess position, My feet spread about 24 inches apart, arms raised and palms pointing outwards.

To aid in attuning and invoking the Gods' Energies,I assume The God Position my feet firmly together, straight back, arms folded right over left, I clench my hands into fists.

Each finger relates to a specific planet and its' energies. Fingers also relate to The Gods of the planets as well.

The Thumb, is of Venus and Planet Earth.
The Forefinger is of Jupiter, Planet and God.
The Middle Finger is of the God and Planet Saturn.
The Fourth Finger is of the Sun and Apollo.
The Little Finger is of Mercury, Planet and god.

Banishing and Invoking Pentagrams of the quarters may also be traced into the atmosphere using the Forefinger as the tool.

The hand can Hold Water, and Athame to direct energy. The hand can also hold a Wand for invocations. The hands are an excellent substitute for tools. Hands can also be taken anywhere, unlike Athames, Cauldrons, Wands, Chalices and so on.

I use Gesture in many rituals and Majickal workings as the fingers are used to point and direct, and each of the fingers does have a God and energy associated with it.In my experience it is always best to accompany any gestures with vivid visualisation pertaining to the specific working.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. I use All of the above and others. They all may be added together to work complex rituals and Majick.

Blessed Be.

Cyreon Hp


