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This is one method that I use to cast a circle.

This is how I was taught and learnt to cast a circle. I would like to add that I do not believe there is a right or wrong way of casting. As this religion always says, do what is comfortable for you, the Lord and our Lady, do not hold grudges and do not mind if we mere mortals make mistakes, it is what learning is all about.

Outlined Below is my rendition of the casting of the circle of lights and stones, I have confidence in myself and do not worry if I blunder or even if I have to read from my book, as time passes, practice makes progress. The gods/esses do have humour:)

Stage one
The purification.
I always prefer to purify myself before communicating with deity, casting a circle, a reading or ritual.

My Purification ritual FOR a Circle is a warm bath with selected herbs and oils, I usually use lavender, patchouli and jasmine, for this occasion.

I use a candle lit bathroom, the candles are the colours of the elements and are set in their places.

When the bath is drawn, I add a tablespoon of salt. I lower myself into the bath and say :-
This water prepared, for my body to cleanse me and purify me from all negativity, take away my animosity of the day and aid in my preparation for My Sacred Circle, this is my will so mote it be.
I proceed to scrub, with sandalwood soap, visualising the astral build up, falling away, When the water is released from the bath, I visualise the dirt and grime, negativity and whatever else there may be going down the drain with it.

Stage 2
The Preparation
I take my food, usually rye, and fruit juice, to my altar,which is already set. I then take my 27ft piece of gold cord and arrange it in a circle, then place each of my stones at the quarters. My stones have runes carved in them, which pertain to each quarter.
A Large candle representative of each element is then placed upon each stone. Between each elemental candle I place five white candles, this is all done slowly and with intent.

Stage 3
The Circle.
I take my Athame in my projective hand and with my eyes open I visualise electric blue light sparking from the tip. Starting in the East, and working to the South, West and North.I visualise the Blue light creating an arc in the atmosphere, I continue this until arriving back at the East, Holding the complete circle in my visualisation. Next I visualise the extension of the circle, turning it into a sphere, cone shaped at the top, and cutting into the floor and into the earth below, this complete I sit in the center for 3 or 4 minutes, closing my eyes and adding strength and pulsation to my sphere.
I then rise And move to the East candle, Lighting it with a twig, I say,
O Great Spirits of the East, of the mind and of the air, of thought and of breeze I humbly ask that you attend my circle and watch over me, this is my will so mote it be!
The South is lit next, saying O Great Spirits of the South, of fire, of severance and light, I humbly ask that you attend my circle to watch over me, this is my will so mote it be!
The West is lit, saying O Great Spirits of the West, Of water, of flow and of fluidity, I humbly ask that you attend my circle and watch over me. This is my will, so mote it be !
The North is now lit, saying, O Great Spirits of the North, of Mother Earth, of trees and living things, I humbly ask that you attend my circle and watch over me, this is my will so mote it be!
I return to the East, and say,
Thank you O Great Spirits for attending to my will, This is the boundary of my sacred space, allow nothing negative or evil to enter here, should it try, turn it away, keeping me safe inside my sacred space, Nothing but love peace and light, and power may leave here, this is my will so mote it be!
I proceed to light the candles of the circle. The whole time this is being done The visualisation of the sphere is strong and a pulsating vivid blue light.
At this time I feel the power that I have drawn, now it is time to call the Lord and Lady, or work Majick, or perhaps a well planned or impromptu ritual.
I Sometimes choose to travel, or just sit and contemplate. Whatever is chosen the power raised must be released and sent to the cause.

I do this is in the opposite way of casting, thanking the Lord and Lady if they were invoked, then the elements.
I start in the North, and thank the Spirits there for attending and watching over my circle. I ask that they attend again at my next circle, I work to the West, South then finally the East, thanking the Spirits of all quarters in turn.
Starting again in the North, I Take my Athame in my receptive hand and visualise the circle of blue light returning to whence it came.
I Always ground And Center my self and clear up any excess energy. Storing it in my Athame for later use, maybe for charging crystals or consecrating some object or another.
I choose never to leave a circle once it is cast, as for me, breaking the circle also breaks the power/ritual etc. This is the basic way That I CAST a circle, others are different and I have different ways too. To me, it depends ON what I want to accomplish, this way that I have described works well for me, and sometimes I use it to feel the power and to send it to the universe for it to bring spiritual well being, harmony and healing for all. I always feel refreshed after this is done.

Keep watching this space for other information such as raising and sending the power, deity communication and invocation and also other rituals that I feel require a circle to be cast.

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