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Want to know me?

Welcome to my Mind!

"Death has no care for those of the dead or of the living. For He will come and take us from here." ~Assassin~

So, you got this far huh? Well, good for you. Now you know more about me,(Or so you think.) I am always happy to learn about you and your world.

If you want to know me more, send an e-mail. Or, if you have icq, my info is there too. The icq number is 33530354. I will let you know All about me through e-mail though.

Now, continue on with your look into my world. I am going to try to work on a few more pages if I can, so bear with please. Be sure to sign my guest book if you haven't yet. Thank you.

Main--|--Info on me--|--Past Life story

Pictures--|--Quotes page--|--Link page