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First Update of 2005. Skating and stuff. Goin to the city and stuff. Taping, same old. check oot ABSTRACT SKATEBOARDING... its coming soon

Uhhh. yea. um yea we wanna put out a little video with newer stuff with christmas coming and all, but like, theres no camera, becuase mine is broken. so O YEA more pics coming with like spots and a lil skating, yea.

The NEW FTCskate is born. More coming soon.

Wow. The city rules, from colin's profile " Going Downtown for your first time is probably one of the best experiences you can have skateboarding" -www.5050skateboarding.com <--- it's so true. Abstract is coming around which consists of like everyone including Colin, John, Tom, and more which will be taking over FTC soon enough. The song is Mark Appleyard's song from Sorry. For pics from FTCskate/Abstract day in the city go to www.picturetrail.com/sussingham(colin's Picturetrail). Thanks to Johnson for the pics and whatnot.

I edited the site. The front page shows our trailer which is basically the same skating, just better editing and new song. We are gonna save the foooooooty we have for the video. more to come soon, soccer is almost over.

New news, huge S-K-A-T-E game didn't happen today in Merrick, but we did have a hella good time. Attention to all people planning to skate in Merrick at night. Do Not travel in herds of alot of people because COP 118 will be on your ass in 2 seconds and follow you home. Soyea good time and James your right Alex isn't on. O yea Harris broke his board and next time we do something like this we'll take pictures and put them up.

Some new footy, honkies - new and last trailer taping due by sept.2,latest out by sept.7, and then we film all school year and go by "quality over quantity." i need to get firewire hooked up because me and tom will have terrible parts...if we finish video by end of school year, we should have a shorter video out by the end of next summer.
- Chris

Alex's stuff is up and Chris, Alex, and Kasey are going to woodward for a week starting 2morrow. Alex is bringing has cam so we are gonna get hella footage.
- Chris

Trailer is up and we have alot more pics and still more coming. This is only the first trailer, we filmed this in about 3 days. You will need Windows Media Player to play it. All of our better stuff is on a Mini DV tape and we cant do that yet, so enjoy the first trailer. Spots page actually has a little spots, more coming. Andrew Gardner will be filming with us for the next trailer and the vid, and we have a new member...Alex Casanova. His stuff will be up soon.
- Chris

Ok, this one is for timmay. Finals at k-berg are ending this upcoming Tues. im not sure about other schools. There will be tons of other 'tour' dates once we are all out of school. we would like to meet up with Fill in le Blanc also. Suposively there is a big baldwin skate park meeting soon because its free. I don't think anybody from FTC is hurt anymore. And we really need more members...speaking of that we got a new kid, Peter, his stuff will be on soon. There are new songs on that "Wanna here songs from the video?" thing. It takes a while for them to download, but they are pretty good songs. We also want to start entering some little contests over the summer, or holding some. More news will come later.
- Chris

Word on the street is that you can't skate in RVC. Chris broke his toe, and if you look at the message board(which alot did not know we have) we have some new people who hate FTC. New song is 1208. Andrew Pirrone quit to join (excuse my french)[Fill in La Blanc]. BUT he does have a good reason because he really never did skate with us. Toms going to the mall in like a half hour from now to go get an FTCskate shirt made. Mike Wuerth is sex at making logos. He is trying to make a logo on the comp as we speak.
- Chris

We have two new members, Andrew Gardner and Mike Wuerth, his stuff is on. Tour started this weekend, but i don't think anybody showed up. More tour dates coming soon. We have some cool pics of Tom and me on Dennis' phone. ANDREW HAS A SCANNER!!! New pics are on and im working on making them all so that you click on them and see the whole pic. Chris, Tom, and check out some of Andrew Gardner's art. Andrew also got his own page. Trying to somehow have everybody somewhere this weekend.
- Chris

Andrew and Chris have edited their own pages and i think everyone else will be soon if they havent already. The new Random Video is from EbaumsWorld. The new background music is SemiAutomatix. We are now in a big need for more skaters, so send sponser me tapes, pictures, or whatever to a FTCskate representative to higher your chances of maybe being on the team. If you look above the NEWS sign, there is a TOUR? site. We had an idea of doing a tour around a bunch of towns and the areas we'll be "touring" to. On this 'tour' you may notice that some of the other skaters may be better than us, but the tour will be more like a party. We STILL need a scanner desperatly because we have like 20 pictures we want to put on and firewire hasn't been hooked up, but we hope it will be soon. There is a new poll.
- Chris

There is a rumor going around that former member of nhsh, Alex Casanova, has quit skateboarding, this is NOT true. We added a new page, which if you look at below the scrolling marquee there is a link for it. Its just a bunch of songs that may or may not be used on the video. Go to the video page, there is a clip of andrew. Andrew has new pics on his page and there are many more coming soon. RVX made a site and is temporarily using the name Ctrl-Alt-Del. We still don't have the url for their site yet.
- Chris

Lots of filming everyday, with a lot of sick stuff for the upcoming video. We skated with Amatulli today and decided to put him on the team. His stuff will be on the site when everything is settled. We're still looking for new members for the team.
- Tom

New song on main page, skated with andrew, but barely got any footage. overall it was a good time in rvc while skating with tim, john, and kasey of rvx. Trimesters at Kellenberg are over tuesday so i plan to skate alot with tom and scuola after that ends. And it turns out mike might not have to get surgery after all.
- Chris

NOW WE HAVE DONE IT. 2 members of FTCskate(Tom and Chris) now have a criminal record for skating on "private property." Our boards were taken away and next time it happens we are put in the precinct overnight and a fine. I captured most of this great fun on tape before the tape ran out. We evetually got our boards back and we aren't in any trouble, but we now gotta watch our back fgrom the pigs of East Ghetto. And we got some cool footage of tom. Trailer supposively coming out around 4/4 when i get the firewire.
- Chris

FTCskate is now an official team! The website is making major progress with a links page, pictures, and personalized team member pages! Filming is already underway this weekend. we (Chris Pirog, Mike Scoula, Tom Meehan, and Andy Pirrone) are looking for new people to be on the team. More pictures and some video should be on the site in a couple of weeks. Be sure to check each team members' page to see their own news and what theyve done with their page. Also, if the music that we have on the site doesn't play, GET QUICKTIME! thats all for now.
- Tom

