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Wynn's Page


NEWS - January 14th, 2003
Wow! My last update for 2002 was dated JUNE! That should give you some idea of what a crazy, busy year that was for me. We got back from our big Walt Disney World trip in January, and Sanae got her promotion to BOSS in March. We started planning the wedding and got married July 4th in California (a Wedding Page is coming soon for those of you still screaming at me for pix). Lost my job the end of August. Spent a month or so hunting around & watching TV (new satellite! woo woo!!). Started freelance work in October. Before we knew it, Christmas was almost upon us, with another trip to California in the works and another Gathering.

Let's hope 2003 isn't quite so hectic!

Click here for the D&D Page!

Check out my Old News (isn't that an oxymoron?)

Alright, for those of you wishing to get in-touch with me via more primative means,
the address below works just fine.

Wynn & Sanae Knudsen
Monte Verde Dai-2, #804
Hiranuma 1-37-15
Nishi-ku, Yokohama City
220-0023 JAPAN

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many, many hits since March 29th, 1997.

Last update was January 17th, 2003.

