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Wynn's Old News

Well, looks like I didn't get any where near as many updates done in 2002 as I would like.
For those of you looking, here's where you can find my Old News.

NEWS - June 20th, 2002
Wow!! Been months since my last update! Not "news" at all ... more like "olds!" Anyway, meant to take care of this ages ago, just never got around to it. Been EXTREMELY busy getting ready for the big Wedding!

That's right, Sanae & I have finally set the date - July 4th, 2002! Flying out with her whole family in tow, going to stay for one week at the Disney Paradise Pier Hotel! The Wedding itself is going to be up in the mountains at Big Bear Lake. Thought it might be nice to give Sanae's family a chance to see a little bit more of California than just LA.

In other news, Sanae & I just bought a brand spanking new digital video camera! Woo woo!! Tiny, weighs next to nothing, and has about a million buttons! I love it! Best of all, I can hook it right up to the Internet and post all my pix! Here, take a look at a picture of my FOOT!

NEWS - February 16th, 2002

I've FINALLY finished posting the pix from our Walt Disney World trip! Click on the link above to go right to the photo album!

Walt Disney World 旅行の写真アルバムが出来ました! 上のリンクをクリックして! でも、写真のせつめは英語だけ。。。ごめん、ね!

NEWS - Jan 7th, 2002
Ladies & Gents - we are outta here! Me, Sanae, Trev, & Shino are off to Walt Disney World!!
We'll see you again in 10 days!! Buh-bye!

みんなさん! これから僕達は Walt Disney World へ出発よ! 17日にぐらい帰る! またね!  

NEWS - Jan 5th, 2002

Happy 2002!! Hope everyone had a great New Year's! Me & Sanae went to the Tokyo Disneyland Countdown Party! Woo woo!! Great time, but it was freezing ... we both came down with terrible colds. Hope we get over it quick, because we're leaving for the States & Walt Disney World in two more days!

新年明けましておめでとう! 僕達は Tokyo Disneyland Countdown Party へ行った! 凄い楽しかった! でも、Wynnとさなえも風邪をひいちゃった。。。 もうすぐフロイダ州の Walt Disney World へ行くから風邪の事はちょっと大変です。 早く直すぜ!


そして、i−modeも りますよ!