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Fri. September 7 Darkspork
Yay I'm updating kinda. Well not really, we just got a new affiliate, DBZ Diety. You should check them out. We'll probably make an actualy content update soon now that the rush of school starting is going down a little, so check back soon sometime.

Mon. September 3 Blastking
Hahaha, an update, sort of. The purpose of this is to tell all of our loving fans that we are two lazy peeps consumed in preparing for college with our senior year of high school. So if you have a problem with that live with it, we will not make you a webmaster and we will not work cause you say you need to update, although if you do have any suggestions a push would be good. I did make 2 new wallpapers though and they actually took some time so you should check those out.

Fri. August 24 Blastking
I started the Movie Summaries section tonight I only wrote one but it is really damn long. I also changed just a couple minor other things and added three more buddy icons that made a long time ago its really late I think I might go to sleep soon.

Thurs. August 23 Darkspork
Yo whassup. I put up our fanart section today. All we have right now is six, but hopefully we'll be getting some more soon. If you have any, please send em to me here. We also added two affiliates, The Ultimate DBZ Resource and Dark Piccolo. They're good sites, so check them out. Thats all.

Wed. August 22 Blastking
So yah I haven't posted an update I've just been letting Darkspork do it but here is what I've got for you. I spent hours tonight working on some more flash attacks well six actually they don't take that long but the time adds up. They are funny and if you are new to DBZ there a good learning thing. So go check them out.

Tues. August 21 Darkspork
Ok well me and blastking have been working our asses off for the last couple of nights working on the Character Profiles. And we finally finished it. So go and check it out. We nearly doubled the number of characters in it, and gave it a new look too. Blastking also made a new wallpaper, you can get it here. We also got a new affiliate, Super Vegeta. Go check them out, it's a nice site.

Dragonball aired today (well kinda, I guess not really, it's past midnight). So what did everybody think of it? I already have the first 13 episodes on DVD so it's nothing new, but I can't wait to watch the rest. I haven't seen the original Japanese ones, just read the manga. Anyway, vote in our poll about it. NOW BITCHES. Peace out.

Sat. August 18 Darkspork
We got a new affiliate today, Gohan2Extreme. There's not much on it yet, but it looks like a promising site with a decent layout. So go there and check it out. I also added a new poll, since the last one didn't even work. So that's about it for right now. Catch ya later.

Fri. August 17 Darkspork
Hey everyone, it's me darkspork. I'm back from my trip. Anyway, we switched servers, again. Now we're trying out Angelfire. Hopefully it'll be better than the last couple. I bought a couple more DVDs, I got movie 4, Lord Slug, which really isn't as bad as everyone says it is, in my opinion. I also got the first 13 episodes of Dragonball and movie 1, Curse of the Blood Rubies. They all came together in a box set for $30 which I thought was a pretty good deal. Anyway, I added 53 more screen caps from them, you can look at them here. We also added 2 really really disgusting Flash Movies. So you can look at them, but be aware that they are pure evil. Blastking also made a new music video, it's pretty cool so go dowload it. And finally, we added a new button to the link to us page. Well that's it, peace out.

Mon. August 13 Blastking
Sorry for not updating in a while fans, but I have. Since the last update I have added 6 more flash attacks for a total of
9 so far. When I get to it I'm going to try and have almost all of the major attacks used in the series. Also what I have just done though is added my first flash movie that I made. It is called Goku Vs. Vegita and its a must see. Don't hate me if you don't like it though. Darksork should be home in a couple of days then maybe we can do a little more. Work consumes a lot of my life too. I am also in the process of uploading the entire site to a new server. So hopefully we will be done with this limited bandwith crap soon. Anyway enjoy and I hope that our flash section grows even more.

Tues. August 7 Blastking
Well more minor things and something kinda big. Today and yesterday I've put more things up on the Webmaster Services page. Quite a bit of people have contacted me wanting flash intros for there sites so I have been saying yes graciously and doing them because I like the practice. Also The quiz is kinda funky on slow connections Im going to try and make it better if you do take it try and wait for it to load before it begins because the pre-loader doesnt work, don't ask me why I showed my code to a guy who does it for a living he said it looked good. Also I have began creating attacks in flash. They are stick figures doing the attacks with a little summary about the attack in the begining. Just trying to add something you dont see on every site out there. So there you have it thats what I've got for you today.

Sun. August 5 Blastking
Whaz up peeps? Anyway last night Darkspork stayed the night before his journey to the cheese state. We were lazy and didn't do much but here is what we did. I made 2 Flash intros for people which you can see under the Webmaster Services page. And we have been toying with the idea of making a quiz. We did it in flash and it turned out real well. There is one flaw in it but you will have to see that when you go and click on it. So go have some fun and test your knowledge. If anyone knows what we should add next please tell us. We don't feel like taking the initiative. Anyway peace out y'all.

Sat. August 4 Darkspork
This is gonna be my last update for a while, I'm going to Wisconsin until the 14th. I might be going to blastking's house for a night though, so if that happens, it's probable we'll do a lot on the site. But anyway, all I did was add another Flash intro I made for a site to the Webmaster Services page. We are in kind of a bind with the whole server thing, so if you know of any good servers, like blastking said, please tell us. Well, I'll see you all later.

Fri. August 3 Blastking
Sorry for the inconvinence anyone but our server went total crack whore on us and deleted every single file on our server. Them all be bitches so I quickly transfered everything back to our old server since it had almost everything on it. I hope everything us up but if not tell me. Please also if anyone has a good server for us tell us. We need atleast 50MB of space and if it supported SSI that would be nice too but not a necessity. So we appologize again and hopefully we can get these server problems under controld sometime soon so that we can add something new it really is starting to become a set back.

Thurs. August 2 Blastking
I did a lot of little things. There are all pics for the Characters and I added about 8 more. There are also a few more wallpapers up some new buttons and just some other little thing-a-ma-jigs. So yah I gotta go though so peace out. I hope you enjoy.

Dragonball is arriving. . .
Just how awesome is it?

+ The Buu Saga is being produced and is scheduled to air on September 10th on CN.

+ Dragonball finally aired on the CN on Monday August 20th. It's on at 5:30, so you better watch it.

+ Bid For Power - FUNi and WizardWorks are being bitches, so they have to take out all the characters and attack names from the show. It's still gonna be released, in about a month, but without DBZ names, which really sucks.

.......If you want to see some fanart on our site send them to darkspork@yahoo.com