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Welcome to the CEDAR Academy Website, Designed and produced by Tiffany and Ava, using the Macromedia Suite. The Tree to your left was meticulously constructed using the state-of-the art method of tracing paper on a picture in a biology book, that was then scanned by trained monkeys and uploaded to a websever in Japan where slave labor traced the darker green lines around the edges, then sent it back to us via an ftp server. Our assistant to the assistant facilitor then notified us that the file was ready for downloading via email, but the school's server was down so we did not recieve the message until last week. So Yada-yada-yada, here it is.

We apologize for this, those responsible have been sacked.

Obviously, VERY High quality stuff.

*No monkeys were harmed in the making of this website*

Begin testing here...

"Yes, I quite agree with you