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October 23, 2005

Welcome to day 2 of the Spirit Detective HQ project. n.n;; Hope ya'll are doing okay? Anyway, I hope to add several updates today...if I don't get distracted. I'll post the updates later.

October 22, 2005

Hiya! Welcome to Spirit Detective HQ's official website! ((Da na na naaaaa!)) This is where all the updates and things will go, and I'll even post some YYH music if I can upload it! But you'll have to deal with this for now...sorry. I'll update tomorrow.

Credit from the guy who made this layout n.n;;

The brushes used are from Aethereality, Imprints, and Cirratus. The font used on the image is Hannibal Lector, which is rather fitting if you ask me.

Extras from the layout creator

Becuase I can't leave well enough alone, I've got to make extras! The avatar is 50x50, the button is 100x50.

Layout: FrkWerewolf; Brushes: X, X, X
Download: DDG