Harry Potter Yaoi Fanfic

Here you will find links to HarryPotter Yaoi. Pairings will be numerous and ratings will be cited on the link, so no exscuses, you know if you click on NC-17 or higher. The first couple on the page are written by me, the following will have the authors name posted next to the story title. Enjoy!


H/D. PWP, Lemon, Slash, Yaoi.
Draco remembers his encounter with Harry, vividly.

Here and Now

"Here and Now, Now and Then". Written by me.
Tom Riddle/Harry, Lucius/Narcissa, Draco/Harry. Lemon, Slash, Angst, action-adv...NC-17 for future graphic content. Write in Progress people. Also archived at RS.org. Details see me.
3 Years after Voldemort got zapped by baby Harry. He plots up a plan to do away with Harry, eventually. Lot's of "What if this actually happened or had happened or could happen." Very proud of this one ^-^ Enjoy!

"Angel"- by Iljana-Nina. H/D. R. Slash/Angst/Character Death.
Thank you so much for your permission to archive this at my site, Iljana! Thanks ^-^!

The war with Harry and Voldemort goes on, Harry looses friends and turns to his beloved Angel for solace.
Link is to FanFiction.net and is not mine or affiliated with my site AT ALL

"Harry Potter and the Jealous Husaband"
By: Lady K. dAzrael
Harry Potter and the Jealous Husband
R. Humor/Parody. Voldemort/Harry
Summary:Voldemort has problems: The Death Eaters are incompetent, his underpants have turned a funny colour in the wash, and he suspects his husband still has a 'thing' for his ex .
Slash's Notes: God damn I luhv this one, it's hysterical, and Voldemort is so cute. I'm so glad she let me archive this!

"Lord Voldemort and the Shrewdish Spouse"
By: Lady K. dAzrael
Lord Voldemort and the Shrewdish Spouse
R. Humor/Parody. Voldemort/Harry
Summary: Voldemort once more suffers the whims of his young husband. Sequel to "Harry Potter and the Jealous Husband.
Slash's Notes: Yay! The Long awaited sequel! I didn't even know there was one, until she told me. It's part of a trilogy, which will be coming soon, as she says.

Amanuensis has a very own page! So many fictions will be posted there. Rec. Author! Amanuensis' Works

Now, Abby Cadabra has her very special page! her Wildfire Chronicles are posted there! Check them out y'all! Rec. Author! Abby Cadabra's Works


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