This is a page completely dedicated to Abby Cadabra's works. Her writing is so wonderful, and I love how she completes each character's personality so...well, completely. Thank you for being so kind as to let me archive your stuff! My site is better off for it. -Slash

The Wildfire Chronicles

Draco/Harry. NC-17. Angst/Drama. Darkfic.

Part One: "A Spark"
Summary: "I'll make you scream,” Potter whispers, and Draco can think of a thousand other things Potter could make him do, but he doesn't think any of them will feel this good.

Part Two:"Wherever The Wind Blows"
Summary:Draco feels like the room is going to swallow him whole, but maybe that is because someone else is swallowing him whole.

Part Three:"Everything on Fire"
Summary:He thought he had it once, the smoke. But it was only ash.

Slash's Notes: I love this entire fiction. It's beautiful, and unexpected. Harry's personality is brilliant, and weird enough, I understand it. Rec. Fic.

Both Abby Cadabra and I understand that we by any means, do not own the characters of the Harry Potter Universe, and that J. K. Rowling respectfully does. We make no profit on these stories what-so-ever. So stop whining.