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Welcome to Summer Waters!

About this Layout____

Summer is approaching for us so thats why i made this layout "Summer waters".. it is another table layout featuring this girl that i dunno who.. yeaps.. took me a while to make this.. cos my comp keeps crashing... but well here it is..
Well as usual this layout comes with a button and avatar... hope u like it.. its not that great but yea.. hehe.. that's all.. i havent made many layouts for download in ages.. so i'm glad i got this one.. hehe..

How to install____

Well once u downloaded then juss extract all the files to a folder and open the index page.. as simple as that.. then u can edit it using ne html editor and upload all the files in the same directory as ur site and ur all done=D if u have ne problems, don't hesitate to e-mail me=D

Copyrights and Credits____

This layout couldn't be made without the image from and brushes from vbrush... but anyways if u do decide to use this layout, please do not remove the link on the bottom... oh and if u want to edit it... then atleast mention me sumwhere.. and also if u downloaded this layout from day dream graphics.. then please link there too..=D hehe... well that's all... =D


here's your button, sorry there isn't an avatar, i dun have much bytes left, so if u want it then juss ask me=D

Layout made by katato
Site owned by your site