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   Well, DBZ Nebula was the creation of a huge DBZ fan, me! I'm Spitfeuer!! Since I was a little boy, I loved a wonderful show called "Dragonball Z". I never missed it, well, maybe once, but I hardly missed it! I follwed the antics of Goku and his Z Gang as they saved the planet from evil. I first started this site on Geocities Page builder. Being new to webdesigning, the site was not very good. I had great info and stuff, but the layout was not very attractive. One day I got an e-mail from a guy who was a HTML genius. He helped me get DBZ Nebula on the map! A new layout was made, new affiliates were gotten and DBZ Nebula started get some hits. I was very excited to have my own site and updated it often, but slowly and surely I realized that my dream (not my real one) of making the best DBZ site ever was not going to happen. I got very few hits. Most of the hits I got were from me checking out my site to see how many hits I got. I started the new school year and ran out of time to make more of the site. I started all this in 1999 (I think) and decided in 2000 to delete the site. For a while I didn't bother with any site making until I saw some original Dragonball episodes. That got me back into DBZ site making and I started a new layout. I changed layouts frequently trying to find the perfect one. I finally found one from Saiyan Heaven Designs and now the site is back and better than ever!!!! This is the beginning of a new era of DRAGONBALL!!!!!!!



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