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melodies of the wind
The below translations were done by me. Please e-mail if you want to use them. And click the titles of each song to hear a very brief sample of it - usually, the first verse. If you want the full files, buy the CDs or . . . cough . . . search online. I'm on a dial-up and the thought of sending 5MB across my 33.6 KB/s connection does not fill me with endless joy.

Kaze no Uta: Melody of the Wind

I dreamt
a long and beautiful dream.

Putting sorrow into
a deep and peaceful

If you were swayed to kindness,
you must have been happy, but . . . .
Time ticks on. My heart is troubled. In the wind,
I can hear someone's voice calling.

Running hotly through this body, through this heart,
life is now awakening.

People are weak, aren't they?
They're at odds,
and they hate each other.

But only love
can overcome anything and everything.

draws me to itself. . . .
surely to my origin in you.

That smiling face, those tears, everything about them,
change them into a single courage.

I won't even fear injuries.
At whatever time, I'll take care of you.
I'll show you I'll take care of you.
Ahhhh . . .
The meaning of my birth . . . .
Ahhhh . . .
I realise it for the first time . . . .

You shine on this body, on this heart,
as the one and only evidence of my life.

That smiling face, those tears, everything about them
I'll take you of you.
I'll show you I'll take care of you.

Perfect World

Because I see the reflection of the moon in the water, I put an end to my shaking.
The light overhead only sees that.

However, whether a injured, weakening, wounded beast
lives or flees is completely dependent on its own self.
The sky is high and and boundless, but
only light exists freely.
At whatever time, it will be watching over
the perfect world said to be love.

When I overcome times of heartbreak,
I become radiant.
Unconsciously, I began to have self-confidence
in the things I chose.

Sleeping at the bottom of the sea, people are like pearls.
Washed, polished, their shine is heightened.

In a world where the sky is high and refreshing,
the snow is thawing, becoming moisture.
At whatever time, the courage to stand up
is within you.

Embracing, embracing, just lifting someone in your arms
perhaps . . . definitely . . . is not kindness.
At whatever time, the courage to stand up
is within you.
The perfect world, said to be love.

Otome Ranman: A Young Lady in Full Bloom

Ah, if I sashay through the city,
Um, All the gentlemen's eyes are on me!
Ah, I'm always so very sinful!
Um, I captivate their poor hearts!

You're becoming serious -
I'm terribly sorry.
If you're just a common man,
it's your bad luck.

A voice tinged with sadness,
cool eyes,
my heart
is that person's.

Run, run! Let us blossom
suddenly, love in full bloom.
Chic, bewitching
young lady in full bloom!

Run, run, run! Let's charm him!
Will and spirit,
let's show him and go get him!

Ah, those wretched, little girls
Um, are only young idlers.
Ah, even though they're women, they sit crosslegged.*
Um, they'll soon cry about that.

I polish and refine
my natural beauty with great effort
as my life's work.

If it's for the sake of love,
I'd walk a thousand ri in a single day,
and cross fields and mountains.
stepping through the streets.

Run, run, let's devote this
evening to the blossoming of many dreams.
Thrown into disorder,
The young lady is intoxicated.
Run, run, run! It's beautiful . . . .
This brief life of a flower.
Let's bloom, and, when the time comes for the petals to fall,
let's fall beautifully.

Yakouju**, topaz,
Jade, agate,
Rubies, amethysts . . ..
More seductive
and more lovely.

Run, run. Let's blossom
suddenly. Love in full bloom.
With colours and many sweet perfumes.

Run, run. Let's charm him with
courage and this grace.
Let's show him and get him!

* Think of the traditional posture in "seiza", which is always kneeling with your heels beneath your bottom. Sitting crosslegged is not polite, especially for women.
** Yakouju is the name of the glowing stone that Nuriko pretends to have lost in order to drown Miaka - "yakou" seems to mean "night luminiscence", while "ju" = jewel?

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