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Awards For You!

Alrighty! Now you can get awards of your very own from me! When I have a look at the site, I may chose to give you an honourary award espescially for you! An individual sorta thing! But these are the ones you chose anyway.

So check 'em out, and when you've picked the one you want, send me:

Your Name:

Your Email:

Your Homepage URL:

Your Homepage Title:

The Award You Want: (You can ask for me to chose which one I think)

Send 'em to

Now! Chose the one/s you want! ~^_^~

The easiest one to win. All you need is:

1) A site, it can be dedicated to any anime.

2) It has to be cool!

3) You have to link back to me

It can be as new as you want, like just started yesterday, but you have to have something there to look at.


Harder to get! What you need:

1) A Card Captors site

2) It has to have good layout, you don't need frames, but the layout has to make sense.

3) There has to be some pics, info, bios, that sorta thing.

4) You have to link back to me

5) I have to like it!

Once again, it can be as new/old as you want, but try and keep it updated! Ones that haven't been updated in forever don't get one!


Your site has to have a section dedicated to Tori.

And you have to link back to me and sign the guestbook! ^_^


This one HAS TO BE a site dedicated to Tori/Touya! Other that that, it has to look good.

And please link to me and sign the guestbook!

You can't apply for this. You have to be

1) an affiliate

2) have helped me with my site in some way


Later peeps!