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image gallery

MIDI 'n lyrics





Heero here, heero there, heero up, heero down and heero everywhere! :)

I can still remember how I got ever picture in this gallery. How Heero's picture keeps my day alive. How it makes my heartbeats faster than it usually does. A single picture of him is enough for me to forget the world. A single picture of him is a world to me back then and it's still does. I just hope that this feeling of mine towards his picture will last forever because 'Some good things never last' as I am told but if I were to give a choice I want to keep his picture forever and pray that my enthusiast over that pic will not fade even if decades would pass me by. But if the saying 'Nothing Lasts Forever' is true which I doubt, I want to share these pictures of him I have cherished above all to the person who values him like I do before this feeling I have for him dies.

Just see this pictures ok and keep it if you like them. Just be sure to cherish them as I always have.

Image Gallery

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One thing I'm certain though, my love for him would never fade even if forever will not last. If 'Nothing lasts forever' then I will know no forever for I vowed to treasure him for a lifetime. My forever then will be a lifetime and Heero will be my life until the end of time!

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