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Hey! I got bored, so I made "Adventures of Legato". Its quite amusing. Pictures of Legato at famous land marks. Even meeting Bush! ^^;;;...Toldja I got bored, lol. I'll add more of them later. ALSO, I put up "Ask Legato", where you can ask Legato anything! Thanks to Tiffany and Melinda for being the first two to ask him something. Go on, ask Legato! Thats all so far, yeah I know, its not much, but more soon! I'm going to be putting up Legato and Trigun buddy icons, I already have loads saved. Till then, bai!
posted by sarah 6:47 PM


School is over! Normally I'd be happy, cuz I hate school...but I'm not --.--; Two of my friends are moving to Texas.. And a few others are going to some other school. >< This frickin Board of "Education" really sux. I'm going to be severly bored this summer...but at least theres a pool..and carnival ^.^' Anywho, to the MAIN point, I added an aff..Its a really kewl site, and you should check it out. Until then, bai!
posted by sarah 2:16 PM


HA! Very proud! I put up loads more Legato-chan pics! A lot! Do you know how hard it is to get a hold of Legato pics? You end up scanning them yourself ;-; But all is well in the end. Enjoy and look around. I hafta get off, there is a storm coming. (i hate parents...I'll just call someone..hehe..You can reach me on AIM @ Kawaii Legato) Bai!
posted by sarah 8:29 PM


I put up more Trigun Wavs. I put up one non-Legato one. Only because its one of my favorites. And I do like Vash too. Its funny. I put up one of those 'dont click here' pages. Only because I was bored. I still I think I'll put up more pics. More updates later!
posted by sarah 4:59 PM


I kinda just made this site today. I started with my older/still kinda new site. And decided that the layout on it wasn't all that great. I like this layout a lot :) don't you? Fan art, manga, gallery, updates, EVERYTHING is up! Isn't that amazing!? I found time to do all this. Which, for me is amazing. I'm bored right now...and I feel like taking a break, but I know if I do, this site will never be finished. Thats sad, lol. Well feel free to email me anytime you like for any reason that you wish. Look around my Legato Shrine! I know a lot of you may not even know who Legato is O_o; But thats alright!
posted by sarah 9:39 PM


Aha! I didn't even have this site on this day, but I wanted to add one more update O_o; lol. I did, however work on my old site, which was a big help for this one! Jah...well.. Since everythings already up, I really have nothing to say! Ja ne! Ciao! :)
posted by sarah 0:00 PM