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August 30th, 2002

Finally got my swipecard back =^-^= Felt good to actually have lunch today. I love the Black Cherry flavoured fizzy water *wishes she had some*.

Rebecca lost her mobile at break (but she got it back at the office at lunch) and when we were going to our form room from the lockers Mrs Johnston almost ran over me in her car! Fat b*tch!!

The other bad thing that happened today was that I'm getting the same spanish teacher - Mrs Cromie, as last year. I was looking forward to not having her this year (because she my 2nd least fav) and getting Mrs Fielding instead. But then Mrs Cromie walked in saying we had the wrong role call list and then she asked how many were in her class last year and decided that she should take us again. Rebecca was actually crying at one stage.

Getting lots of emails from people asking me to trade quilt patches with them. And seeing as you can only trade twice a day I'm doing it fairly and answering accordinly to the date and time the email was sent (most recent one last). So I know I have two emails in my inbox, but I couldn't reply yesterday evening becuase I hadn't enough time (I kinda sneaked on just to check). And a big hello to my first quilt trader Suzi P!! I'm visiting her Weblog Babble everytime I'm online now. As far as I know she's doing the same for me =^-^=

I've decided that I'm actually gonna change my layout. Sure, I like the one I have and all, but I just feel like changing it.

     //   Ruri went kupo for kupo nuts @ 4:49 PM

August 29th, 2002

Argh, talk about a crap first dayback. First they lost my personal info sheet (nobody else's though), which is just this thing my parents have to fill out every year. So I had to get a new one. Then when we were getting our swipe cards which are used to get lunch, out of the something like 150 cards lucky little me got the one with the error in the microchip. So after making about 50 trips down to the finance office I was told that I'd have to get a new one but it wouldn't be ready until tommorow. So I went hungry *hates school*. Luckily my friend Gemma spared me some of her packed lunch *hugz* and then I bought us both Galaxy Caramels later on after school. But I was starving after getting the bus home and didn't even have time to stop for a sandwich because I had to go to the gym (they cut my fav class - spinning *cries*!). *mutters something incoherent* Don' like 'new' school (it's kinda new because it's a whole new building down the road). At least I had one thing to cheer me up. I don't get Mrs Johnston for art this year =^-^= (for those of you that don't know, Mrs Johnston was my 2nd year art teacher that hated me and gave me really low grades in everything I did when it was good stuff). I get my fav teacher (who taught me art in 1st year) - Miss Bloomer!

Lynsay's still in Canada, but that's okay coz I'm having a lot of fun with Gemma. I don't think she's coming back until Thursday or something.

I like our form room! Smells like vanilla. And the library smells like coffee. Gonna go down to the library tomorrow with Gemma coz she wants to take out Phillip Pullman's Shadow in the North (really good book. Read it if you can. It's not my usual style though - kinda set in Victorian era. But cool none the less) and there's a book I wanna check out called Queen of Sorcery. I think I'll also see if they have anything japanese related.

Dunno what else to write now so I'll stop. I'll probably just go and do a little sketch of Yuki/Kioi's human form (it's so kawaii. I'm using the pics of it (I say it becuase it's not male or female - it's a shapeshifter) for my fanart site eventually).

     //   Ruri went kupo for kupo nuts @ 8:45 PM

August 28th, 2002

*cries* I can't believe I have to go back to school tomorrow. And I'm so confused because I haven't an utmost clue what to do as soon as I walk in the door. In first and second year we were told what to do on our first day back but we weren't told what to do at the start of third year =^.^=;;!!

And today I officially found my number one hate - Aaron the 9-year-old kid down the road. *screams* I could screw his big, brainless, self-centered head off. I don't think I've ever hated anybody more in my life. He bullies my friends Ester, Claire and Lucy not to mention my kid brother Richard. He thinks he can bully them just because they're girls (not in Rich's case though. It's coz he's a little soft). Well, he's gonna have a hard time if he wants to bully every single girl around here. He's found it easy bulling Ester, Claire, Lucy, Jamie, Jessica, Natalie and so forth but there's no way I'm gonna let a kid 4 years younger than me get away with bullying me or my friends!!

Ah, that felt good to get off my chest. Well anyway, updates. Suzi and Mikomi traded quilt patches with me =^-^= Thanks you two. And I joined 5 things today - Japan Love, Legolas Fan, Kupopo, Funkee Fortunes and Sanrioness =^-^=.

When we were down in Donegal I think I let Katherine (my half-cuz) play with FFX for too long (she's now my greatest creation MWAHAHA!!) because our PS@ scrastched the disk. It meant that when I entered battle in Sanubia Sands, Calm Lands and other places it took about 5-10 minutes for the fiends to actually appear and sometimes they just didn't! But luckily dad bought some scratch removal thingy and now its fine!! WOOHOO!! Love ya dad!

Finally, I'm looking to be hosted until I can buy my own addy. If anyone out there would be kind enough to please email me and I'll love ya foreva an eva!

     //   Ruri went kupo for kupo nuts @ 5:23 PM

August 26th, 2002

Fresh new blog. I absolutely love that pic of Fuu Hououji from Magic Knight Rayearth (even though I've never seen the show before). Anyway, I don't know why I chose that shade of green. Isn't very different from the blues and purples I would usually choose, but blue and/or purple would totally clash with the green in the pic of Fuu.

Not much up today, coz as soon as I got up this morining I was straight onto the PC to make this layout. Claire and Lucy are coming home later so mum will probably chuck me outside at that point.

And Oh my Goddess! Where has the summer gone!? I only have today, tomorrow and Wednesday off then it's back to school *cries*.

I think the last thing I'm gonna type today is that I've become one of those lovesick girls who droolz over Orlando Bloom (Legolas from Lord of The Rings). I didn't actually think I would as I looked at the video case Claire had just handed me. Sure, usually I'm secretly prone to fall for guys with long hair, but it's usually dark hair not really light like that of Legolas. Well, hey, I'm not complaining. Legolas came now become one of the real guys I've ever loved... that's four in total!

     //   Ruri went kupo for kupo nuts @ 12:37 PM

Eyes on Ruri

Just your not-so-average anime otaku with two minds, not one. I'm 13 years old, love anime/manga, video games and Orlando Bloom (Legolas). I'm a complicated, misunderstood girl with various emotions and a mind not afraid to be heard.

My personal domain (coming soon!) is the only place where I can express my unseen mind without having the slightest worry of what people will think. I am Jenni on the outside, and Ruri inside.

About Layout

Like I said before, the colours aren't my usual. But I had been looking for images of Fuu for a clique I'm making but then later on decided to use images of Quistis and that brown haired girl off Xenosaga (sorry I don't know her name). But I loved this image in particular and just HAD to use it. I actually like the greens too. It makes the whole page seem so different and unique compared to what's coming up when I buy my own domain. Some people might consider the image to be a little hentai/ecchi but if it were you can be certain that it wouldn't be there. I an totally proud to be hentai free! Anyway, I guess I've just rambled on again.

Japan Love
Legolas fan
{ - past sunset - }
nani? - [ Seymour and Yuna ]
I am an Evening Star *
Guardian *
I Scribble || Fantasy
[ digital wings ][ Ruri ]
Project R.I.N.O.A.
dreams of the Forgotten City
Healing Hearts
funkee fortunes: Your virtues are your priceless treasures.

Anime Characters
Anime Mascot // Shampoo
Bad Boy Bishounen // Sephiroth
Cardcaptor // Ruby Moon
Z Fighter // Vegeta
Z B*tch // Videl
Digidestined // Kari
Escaflowne // Celena
Final Fantasy Girl // Fuujin"
Grandia // Milda
Martian Successor Nadesico // Subaru Ryoko
Neon Genesis Evangelion // Kaworu Nagisa
Pokemon // Kojiro (James)
Tenchi Muyo // Kiyone
Sailor Moon // Nehelenia
Anime // Revelutionary Girl Utena

Biohazardous Children Forum


My Quilting Bee

Links related to my Schoolwork
Cyber Shrine Shinto & Buddhism: Wellsprings of Japanese Spirituality

Fuu Hououji is © of the wonderful people at CLAMP. I do not claim ownership of any of the images of her featured on this webpage.
The Ruri sprite featured beneath the heading 'Eyes on Ruri' is © me - Ruri. Do not take it without my permission or claim ownership to it.