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  Films make life real
A profound statement that you will ponder till the day you die!


pg This is the "Pocket Gee Best Friends." Zero to ten of these will be used to grade each film viewed. A key to this is below for those of you who need such things.

projector  Spider-Man I thought it would be lots of useless CGI crap. It suprised me. It stayed true to the comics as much as a film can. The characters were well cast. The Green Goblin's costume sucked, but he was well played by Willem DaFoe. The fights were very cool. Spider-Man was believeable. The end flat out sucked. Goblin getting it in the nads? Ouch! And Petey, you already have your aunt and MJ involved in the first movie. You should stick with her, get the benefits, not turn her away you pg pg pg pg pg       

projector    The Scorpion King A real suprise in this one folks! I really enjoyed this. It reminded me how much fun it can be to go to the movies. Setting a humourous tone in the beginning with the 'boo' thing, it was fun through and through. The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, did a great job as the next Schwarzenegger clone, taking the role away froom Ahnold and making it his own. Cool effects, nice bloodless fights, a ton o fun!pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg      

    zero    it is sucking the life out of Gee
     one    really really really sucked
    two    someone owes Gee money for watching this.
three   so they made it for late night cinemax but put it on the big screen
    four   made by television
    five     made for television
    six    could be better than what Gee hoped, but good none the less
    seven   a good movie    
     eight    don't miss this one
    nine    a perfect movie (i.e. Lawrence of Arabia)
    ten    not possible to achieve. sorry.

Past Reviews of the latest movies seen by Mikee Gee and his incredible Wife. Please read and be enlightened.
my man fred  
Just click on the projector (just like in Mikee Gee's head!!!! ) Incredible!

Previous reviews from Mikee Gee to you!

The REVIEWS of 2001

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
A Beautiful Mind
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Thirteen Days
Sugar and Spice
Not much time to review this year, huh? We will fix that, o my master!!!

The REVIEWS of 2000
Mission: Impossible 2
Scary Movie
The Replacements
Nutty Professor 2
The Watcher
Godzilla 2000
Highlander: Final Battle
Dude, Where's My CAr?
The Grinch
Dungeouns & Dragons
Charlies Angels  

The REVIEWS of 1999...

              ...were apparently not Y2K compliant and are lost in the mists of time. Once the "time machine" is completed, we will trek back and retrieve them. Below is a list of what they were.

The Matrix
Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Tea With Mussolini
The General's Daughter
Eyes Wide Shut
Drop Dead Gorgeous
The Blair Witch Project
Sixth Sense
Three Kings
Fight Club
Toy Story 2
End Of Days
The Messenger: Joan of Arc
Galaxy Quest
Man on the Moon
Pitch Black
Girl, Interrupted
Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo

>sign here<
Mikee Gee has prepared a list of films available on video for you to sup on.
View it and live. Denigh it and suffer!

This is the most popular page on our site. If you are new to our madness, then give it a try. You won't be disappointed! If you are a convert, then check out the reviews often as they change. New pictures, altered reviews. It's like a living organism of video review! GRAAAWRRRL!!!


    New feature!!!  Now Showing at a Carmike Cinema near you. Click here for your ticket! This is a list compiled at the cinema of film titles used by the morons what patronize it.
these may or may not return for you viewing.

Of Interest from mikee gee to you...

 It was mentioned to mikee gee recently that DIE HARD with a vengeance was the perfect Batman movie. We find this interesting. the complexity of plot serves as a solid base for a Batman flick. Change willis into batman, jackson into robin, and irons into the riddler, add a couple batarang sequences in place of guns and you have a damn fine bat movie!

And the Best FLick of 2001 is...

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. Quite possibly something that can overshadow Star Wars. It has breadth, complexity, and amazing visuals. Like living anime! The movie was seemless in it's adherence to the book, both in realization and spirit. Everything about this picture was perfectly executed, down to the smallest detail. Flawless!

And the Best Flick of 2000 is...

G aldiator. Not too many good films this year to choose from. Gladiator impressed me the most. Even from the trailer with the Conan music in the background, I was excited. When I first watched it, I was impressed with the intellegence in the script. The cinematography was superb. The Acting was as dead on as the casting. (Except for the fact th at the superimposed a dead actors face on a living stand in at one point) Action, drama, philosophy, and a sweet soundtrack, this film marks the return of Ridley Scott to the pillars of great directors!

And the Best Flick of 1999 is...

T he MATRIX of course What else would you expect. With an intricate, well thought out story, good characters, actors that belonged in their roles, an excellent score, good use of songs, interesting background characters, solid cinematography, superb direction and writing, and action action action like you've never seen. Literally!
Summed up, all I need say about the Matrix is:


last updated 1-11-2002