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May 24, 2006

Ok, so now that I'm done another school year, I've finally got time to work on my website. I've pretty much overhauled the entire site, with old stuff deleted and lots of new art on every page. I've also weeded the links section of dead websites, and added some more links and banners. I'm pretty much up to date now on all the art I've made recently, but I'm working on a new painting commission that I'll post when it's done. Wish me luck at Anime North this weekend! If you're in the Toronto area, stop by the Artist's Alley and check out my display!

Feb 4, 2006

Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I touched this page. To anyone who still visits here, thank you and I'm sorry! I didn't have any art studio classes last semester, so I didn't really have a chance to make art. And when I did get time, it's been to make purses, badges, and hachimaki (embroidered headbands) for the upcoming convention. But now I'm taking painting and Intagio printmaking, so I should have lots of new stuff. I've got a new painting up, which I think is one of my most technically proficient yet. It's a neat painting. Go look! I'm working on another one right now that's HUGE, and it seems like it'll be really interesting! Oh, and also, I am working on a new manga, based on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, but I'm so busy I don't have time to work on it these days. Wish me luck . . .

May 6, 2005 (later today)

I forgot to mention that I added an older watercolour to the Drawing and Painting page. Enjoy!

May 6, 2005

Well, the school year is over and convention season is almost upon us!! Please come visit my art table in the Artist's Alley at Anime North, which is in Toronto on May 27-29. I can guarantee that we will be selling lots of cool, unexpected things, not just my doujinshi and art prints. Look for the banner that says "Asamoya Doujinshi Circle." To celebrate, I've updated with some scans of flyers that I will be handing out. I really put a lot of effort into making them interesting and lovely, so I hope you will check them out on the Escapist Artist page. See you at the con!

Jan 31, 2005

Aaaah, it's been too long since I've updated!! Part of the problem is that I have no access to Photoshop or something similar, and no scanner. And the other part of the problem is my lack of motivation to produce more works, due to the general apathy of the anime world and the impossibility of ever earning money doing this. Yes, I'm a little jaded, because the kinds of works I want to produce are too weird to be accepted -- not violent enough for most guys, and not KAWAII enough for most girls. I might give it another shot with a longer-running historical fiction -- maybe something based on Napoleon. But when 99.9% of otaku haven't even heard of The Rose of Versailles, the greatest historical fiction shojo manga ever produced, what hope is there? Are there other dreamers out there like me?? I hope so! Check out the Original Works page for two new paintings.

Nov 21, 2004

Goodness, it's been a while since I last updated this page! It's because I'm off at university now, which means I don't have access to the family scanner or digital camera any longer. I've got up a picture of my first university assignment painting, which is a self-portrait found on the Original Works page. It's in acrylics on a larger scale than I am used to, so it was a bit harder to get the proportions right. I'm still producing works, but I can't get them onto the computer, so I probably won't be updating very often until Christmas break.

August 9, 2004

I've taken a longer break than usual in order to move from one end of town to the other, and have wisdom teeth surgery. So just this week I have finally been able to return to my hobbies and update this page. I've done a commissioned work of a dog, which is on the "Original Paintings and Drawings" page. Enjoy!

June 27, 2004

After taking a brief vacation from comics, I'm back at work! On the "Escapist Artist" page is a promotional flyer for Free Comic Book Day, which is on July 3. It will be on display to advertise for my comics. And if that goes over well, I'll take the flyers with me to conventions and give them out there. I'm really impressed by Oleander's face on the flyer. The angle is just perfect. I have no idea how I did that so well.

May 7, 2004

I have a major update for you!! Oline and Oleander is done, printed, and selling well!!!! WOOO!! I will be at Anime North in Toronto, Canada, at an art table in the Artist's Alley. If you're going to Anime North, drop by the table and pick up an issue! Look for me in my Oscar cosplay from Rose of Versailles. Also, I've split the Original Works into two pages: Painting and Drawing, and Other Media. There are numerous new scans on both of those pages. See ya later!

April 24, 2004

OK! There are a couple of major changes here at Cerulean Breeze, which you may have already noticed. All of my fan art has been moved to another website called Ganymede. Why? Because I had no more room on this website to add new stuff! Just in case you're confused, here is a run-down of the contents of my three websites.

Armoured Prophet contains information and pictures from my manga series of the same name, as well as information about my previous manga. This is a completed website and will not be updated.

Cerulean Breeze contains a gallery of my original works, and all new information about my current manga projects. I am focusing my efforts on this site.

Ganymede contains all of my fan art from several series, and I'll try to keep it updated every couple of months.

April 10, 2004

I have added a fan art drawing to the Other Anime page that I drew for my friend's birthday. It's of her two favourite anime/game characters ever, Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. I drew them in a super-cute style that I haven't used before. Please enjoy!!

March 30, 2004

I added the drawing for the back cover of my Oline And Oleander doujinshi to the main page of the website. You probably noticed it already, though . . .

March 17, 2004

A new page of Oline and Oleander has been added to the site. Only two pages left and I'm done!

March 16, 2004

Yay, an update! I'm having a productive March Break, and I think I'll be able to finish Oline and Oleander!! I've got the cover art up, and two new pages of the story on the "Escapist Artist" page. Please enjoy!! The rest will be coming soon!

Feb 28, 2004

I thought I'd update before I head off to Montreal on university business. I've drawn another self portrait, which has been added to the Original Works page. It still looks just like me, but it also looks quite different from the other one. Isn't that strange?

Feb 25, 2004

Finally, I have some time for an update! I really shouldn't be spending my time like this, but oh well. I'm terribly busy with university application stuff and portfolios, but I got some pictures developed and one of my art pieces was on the roll. Please go to the Original Works page and look at my bukhani scarf!

Feb 3, 2004

Check out the Original Works page for a scan of my birthday present for a friend!!

Jan 24, 2004

Another page of Oline and Oleander has been added. I'm working very hard on other things right now due to exams, but I hope to keep drawing through this!

Jan 11, 2004

Page 14 of Oline and Oleander has been added, so I'm almost done! Yay! In other news, it turns out that my next anime convention appearance ( first anime convention appearance, actually) is NEXT MONTH!!! I have to be done my doujinshi in half a month!!! I'm freaking out right now. Wish me luck!

Jan 3, 2004

Wow, I'm on a roll! I've finished another page of Oline and Oleander story and have added it to the page. Go me!

Jan 2, 2004

I've added a silly little bonus page to the end of Oline and Oleander! It's a four-panel comic and an advertisement for Armoured Prophet. Check it out on the Escapist Artist page!

Dec 30, 2003

The next page of Oline and Oleander is up. Coming soon is the cover of the anthology! It's a watercolour and ink of Oline and Oleander in a bird's nest. I'm almost done it!

Dec 25, 2003

An art piece I made for a Christmas present has been given out, so I am now free to add it to the website. Go see it at the very bottom of the Original Art page!

Dec 24, 2003

I'll bet you thought this day would never come -- I've finished the Isabella fan art from Paradise Kiss and posted it on the Other Anime page. It feels so good to finally finish it!! More art will be forthcoming in the next couple of days. Meri Kurisumasu, minna-san!

Dec 18, 2003

The newest page of Oline and Oleander has been added to the Escapist Artist page. It's almost time for the big climax of the story! I want to try to finish it over Christmas break, so wish me luck! I promise that the end of the story will be very intricate, and moody, and even a little romantic, although I'm not sure if I want Oline and Oleander to have that kind of relationship or not. I'll let them sort it out on their own.

Dec 15, 2003

I've added an illustration on the Original Works page, and I've removed some of the older scans from that same page. I just wasn't impressed by them anymore, so I thought I should clear up some room for new stuff!

Nov 29, 2003

I've added a very recent drawing to the Original Works page, which is a self-portrait. I think I did a pretty good job, and you can compare it with the photo of me on my biographical info page. Everyone in my class had the same assignment, and it's so cool to see how everyone perceives themselves differently! I think it's easier to draw oneself than another person, because one can fill the portrait with the real emotion of that particular moment in time. As well, I have added new photos of the mandarin jacket and one of my acrylic paintings to the originals page.

Nov 15, 2003

Whew! That was fast! The next two pages of Oline and Oleander are up. I've started work on the cover page of the anthology book as well, but I won't be done it for a little while. It's an adorable picture of Oleander braiding Oline's hair while they relax in a bird's nest . . . I'm definitely pleased with it and I hope you like it as well. I'm pumped up and ready to get back to work! Yatta!

Nov 9, 2003

The next two pages from Oline and Oleander have been added to the website. Sorry for the delay, but I've been going crazy with that embroidered scarf I was talking about earlier. I managed to beat the deadline this past friday, and for the first time in several weeks I have no embroidery to do. So, how will I fill my new free time? With doujinshi-writing, of course. Expect to see more work out of me as I readjust to a more leisurely lifestyle.

Oct 20, 2003

I have the next page up from Oline and Oleander, which I promised. I'm really getting the hang of drawing their characters. I'm working on a "bukhani" silk scarf right now in Textiles, which will be embroidered and beaded. It's shibori tie-dyed silk, and is six feet long! Wish me luck, because it's going to take me forever!!

Oct 10, 2003

I've scanned in my embroidered bag, which can be seen on the Originals page. Everyone in my Textiles class had to do one, and they ended up so different! It's really fun, just sitting and embroidering with other artists all day. In other news, Oline and Oleander is going very well. I'll have some new pages up in a couple of days. GUESS WHAT??? There were these two guys sitting next to each other on the bus (they didn't know each other), and they looked EXACTLY like Oline and Oleander, but with short hair! I couldn't help but laugh. I'm sure they thought I was a nutcase. What a shock!

Oct 5, 2003

There are two new comic pages in the "Escapist Artist" page from my Oline and Oleander story. It's going really well, because I'm developing a set order of pens to use overall instead of drawing each panel individually. It really speeds up operations. As well, I've become really fond of Oleander's character. I think the way he plays off Oline is really magnetic!

Sept 22, 2003

I've got a new painting on the Originals page, and that's all! In other news, things are going pretty well for my career as a manga artist. It seems that the increased shelf space for my works at an anime store have sparked an interest in the anime community. Yatta!

Sept 9, 2003

I have a new acrylic painting, done for a school assignment, on the Original Works page. I'm experimenting with a combination of glaze painting in wild colours and opaque layers. The first work is done in blues and greens, because a green lamp is the sole source of light. Who knows? I may paint a whole rainbow of glaze paintings during the year.

Aug 31, 2003

Two new pages from the short comic "Oline and Oleander" have been added to the Escapist Artist page, and more are on their way. On a personal note, I recently discovered the manga series "Fake" by Sanami Matoh, and it's absolutely wonderful! Ryo is my favourite character, but they're all really well done. Check it out, if you can!

Aug 19, 2003

I have another piece of commissioned art on the Originals page. Maybe the commissions should have their own page . . . Anyway, it's of a bunch of animals that belong to my coworker. I've never owned pets besides the occasional goldfish, so I've never studied the way animals look or move before. I was understandably nervous about the job! I think it turned out really well, though. The only thing is, I found it oddly unsatisfying. I usually think about where the character is coming from while I draw them, and I sometimes insert clever symbolism in the background or body language to represent that. But there was just a gaping mental hole when I drew these pets. They're really cute, though!

Aug 13, 2003

The first page of "Oline and Oleander" is up in the Escapist Artist page, so check it out! I ran out of manga paper a couple days ago, and I was going mad with boredom. Can you believe that a pad of bristol paper is $12?? It's unreal!

Aug 7, 2003

I've added the cover page for my next and longest story in the anthology, "Oline and Oleander." Just the front page is up for now, because I haven't started work on the actual story yet. I hope everyone is having a nice summer!

July 22, 2003

The Escapist Artist page, which was located on Armoured Prophet, has been updated with a new story and moved to this site. The reason: Armoured Prophet has no more room! From now on, all new art will be uploaded to Cerulean Breeze instead. That is, until I run out of room on Cerulean Breeze. . .hmmm. . . Anyway, please enjoy the new story. I'll start the next one whenever I have an inspiration. Also, I have a new portrait drawing on the Originals page. See my work in a realistic style!

July 19, 2003

I have updated Original Works with photographs of the mandarin tunic and the silver tiara. Coming soon is the Isabella fanart, which I have been working on, the new short comic, and a portrait commission I just received. Ooh, portraits! *feels like a professional artist*

July 3, 2003

I have updated the Original Works page with two photographs, one of a drawing and one of paintings. We took lots of photos at the end-of-year art show, so that is why I have them now. The two pieces I added are too large to scan, so I'm really happy to finally share them. I'm planning to photograph the mandarin tunic and silver tiara soon, and then I'll need to wait for them to be developed. The Isabella fanart hasn't progressed at all lately because I'm working on a new short comic. I'm half-done right now, and it'll be on Armoured Prophet when that happens. . . unless I run out of space on that site, in which case I'll either move it here or open a new site only for original works.

June 20, 2003

Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? The last term of school was really hectic, so I didn't have time to update. I have a bunch of new pieces on the Original Works page, including some stained glass, etchings, paintings and textiles. I've also updated the links page, removed the broken links and added some new ones. Coming soon is the Isabella fanart, the tiara, and the mandarin tunic. Check out my sister site, Armoured Prophet, for a new short comic.

April 27, 2003

Check out the Originals page! I have two fairy paintings, a romantic ink drawing, and a mixed-media environmental piece! I've also updated my "Who is Angela Jordan?" page, which was woefully out of date. The promised fan art of Isabella is progressing. . . err . . . I'll have a new short comic coming up on the other website soon, a silk-painted mandarin-style tunic I made, and eventually a tiara I'm making out of silver in the style of "Paradise Kiss," with all the dripping beads and such. Stay tuned!

March 11, 2003

I have added the second painting in the series to the Originals page. Hope you enjoy!

Feb 26, 2003

I'm back and better than ever! Er, I hope. I have a new painting on the Originals page. Until next time, that's all!

Jan 28, 2003

Happy belated New Year! I haven't updated this site as much as my other one, because fan art simply doesn't interest me as much as my comic series does. But now that the comic series is all DONE (see other website for details), I'm free to draw as much fan art as I want! I've got a new piece on the Original Works page, and that's it for now. In the works: A pretty picture of Isabella from the shoujo manga Paradise Kiss, and an original work of a couple. I promise I'll get those up soon.

Nov 10, 2002

Wow! Another update! I went through my portfolio and found some school artwork I wanted to show. I've got some photographs and a pencil illustration on the Original Works page. Please enjoy!

Nov 7, 2002

Do you know how long I had to wait for those cosplay pictures to develop? A very long time, that's for sure! My mother's camera broke, and the printer managed to salvage my precious pictures from it. The camera's fine now, by the way. You can see me in an Utena costume by visiting the Other Anime page. I don't know when I'll be able to update again, by hopefully soon!

Sept 18,2002

Hi!!! I'll bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth. No new material, but I've transferred the originals page over to this website from the other one. That means I'll have enough room to update the other site. Coming soon: Cosplay pictures!! Can you guess what I'm dressed up as?

July 19, 2002

There is a new Utena fanart on the Other Anime and Manga page, so check it out! This site will probably not be updated as often as my other one, Armoured Prophet, simply because my original art is more profitable because I can't sell fanart without a copyright issues. But I won't abandon this site! I'll have more art soon!

July 2, 2002

I have a new banner on the links page, and that's all. But check out Armoured Prophet, I have some new art on the other site!

June 28, 2002

Cerulean Breeze is up and running! If you're new here, this website is an extension of my other site, Armoured Prophet. The link to that site is on the main page. This site will be dedicated to fan art, and the other site for original art. No new content so far, but I hope to have some new banners up soon.

Main Page

Original Paintings and Drawings

Other Media

The Escapist Artist: Short Comics

Who is Angela Jordan?



Note: No part of this site may be copied without my permission. All artwork on this site is copyright Angela Jordan unless otherwise noted.