
This is my updates page as you have guess. This is where you will find what I have updated on this site, and in the future added graphics to please the eye. lol And scroll all the way down please when you look at picture.

12/31/01.    Updated art section and Story section. Enjoy

12/4/01.      Updated furry art section (finally). }=)  And I have one of my friends pics up now too, click here to see it. }=D

11/17/01.    Updated furry stories page with a new story by me. Wish more people would send me some of there stories.

11/2/01.      Updated furry stories page with part 2 of Love in the Eye of the Storm.

10/29/01.    Updated furry stories page with a series done by Starlight. A Fox friend. enjoy.

10/10/01.    Updated furry stories and added a new one called...... Shattered Soul, enjoy.

(Back to main page.)