Written by Xan Steel. Protected by copyright.

WARNING this is a sad story. If you are not in the mood to read a sad story then don’t because this Story will bring you down. However if you are already down in the dumps than maybe it will make you feel better about hearing someone elses sorry life.

Shattered Soul.

Date 05/26/2011.

Hello, my name is Xan Steel. I’m a red fox with a white pelt that comes from under my chin to between my crotch, black gloved hands and feet, and a tail about 3 ft long. I have a height of 6.2 and I weight 200lbs, and I’m 35 years of age.

“You managed to catch me at a time of  total loneliness as I stand at the top of a 16 story building.”  I got up to the edge of the building and stood there looking over the edge. I saw a world of so many people. People who could care less about me.  My family has died before me so I’m all alone in this world. I have no mate or offspring of my own to love and hold.

I took a step to the edge and let my pawed feet hang half over. I held the sheets of paper I used to write my last words to the world in my pawed hands tightly. Held my arms out as if I was crucified and let the wind blow me over. . .

10 minutes later.

“Hello, and thank you for tuning into channel 5 news for this special report. I’m your host, Sierra Lockeheart. Bringing you sad news as Xan Steel, a pillar to this community has taken his own life today hear at the Twin Dolphin Towers Resort. Why has he done this? We may never know.”

As she finishes the sentence a young female silver-white huskie cop hands her the sheets of paper and whispers something in her ear, and walks off crying.

“Well, I have just been handed his last will and testament that he would like read to the world.” Sierra said.

To all of you people who knew me.
I was a friend,  consultant, and confidant.
The wisdom I had was a blessing to you, but a curse to me.
I could help you in any and all things,
with wisdom far exceeding my years of life.
I have saved many of your marriages, but never
found a mate for myself to love.
A love that could have drowned the woman who loved me.
Who'd a thought that me, the great helper to all,
needed help with the one thing I
could not find in this world.....love.
I never asked for to much. I asked the single women
who came to me seeking help for dates when they were better,
but I was turned down every time, and then they would use words
that would hurt me deeper as words of
incourgement. “Don’t worry you will make some lucky woman happy
with your love one day.”
Every time I heard that it was like driving a sword
through my heart.
As time went by I fell in love a beautiful White Wolf.

At this Sierra stopped for a second to gather herself. She had a quick thought that she was being talked about here, but that it was better not to think about it. “Besides there are alot of White Wolves in the city” she thought to herself.

I would ask her out  for dinner time and again,
but she refused saying that “her job was really hectic right now
with the things happening around the world.”

Tears began forming in Sierra’s eyes.

For ten years I asked and waited, but I grew weary from
waiting and waiting.
I want to thank those who were nice to talk to me every now and then.
Farewell world of loneliness.
I know that this act is a sin against God and that I
will go to Hell for it, but I’m not afraid.
At least, I will not be alone there with others being tormented
for their sins as well.

As Sierra turned the page. The top of the page read.

For your eyes only Sierra.

She pulls the mic away. “No.”  Sierra said as the tears began to come out in full force,
as she fell to her knees.
Sierra, I love you, now and forever.
Please, feel the love I have for you and keep it close to
your heart.
I wanted to be your life-mate,
but you were always pushing me away.
I am sorry if I scared you away from me.
That was not my intention.
I wanted you, and needed you more than anything else
in the world, but you I guess were not
I am truly sorry for having to tell you like this.
Please, forgive me.

Sierra got up from being on her knees crying and went over to the body bag that I now laid in and unzipped it to see my face.

“I do forgive you , and I’m sorry for not see you sooner, please forgive me for not loving you sooner.” Sierra said weeping greatly as tears dropped from her to my face as she gave me a first and final kiss.

The camera man zoomed in on the paper she still had in her hand as writing appeared from out of nowhere, and told Sierra to look at it. It read......

My love, I have forgiven you,
I will always love you. Even Satan can not
stop my love for you. My love will go beyond his grasp
and to your heart.
Farewell my love.

And Sierra collapsed there crying as the paramedics carried my body off from the scene.

A week later Sierra’s body was found hanging in her home with a note saying.

“Wait for me my love. I will never let you be alone again.”


Send comments to Xansteel@hotmail.com         Thanks for reading.

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