Bee-chan feels The current mood of at


 Heh heh!
I've been waiting for the day when someone would give me the
chance and the reason to actually create a page like this.
And someone so lovingly gave me a reason ^_^!

I said that any and all flames would be pointed at and laughed at,
and I'm keeping to my word! I don't know why these people
feel the need to absolutely hate Wufei / GW / me / yaoi, but they need to
at LEAST get their facts straight... or learn how to spell... or both ><;;!

And without further delay, sit back, pull up your favorite GW plushie,
and be prepared for a good laugh! XD!

**yes, that is Gackt's "To Feel the Fire" you're hearing. It in itself is a
flame to the original, and yet, like these flames below, somehow manages
to still fill a special place in my heart!
.....or is that just heart-burn? ^^;;**

**and yes, unlike these lil monkies, I have respect for people, so any
flames that H&K does recieve and are posted here, the e-mail addresses
of the flamers will be mildly censored**

The Walrus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
How old are you?43? Well you look 50! Why are you opsessing over
this character!?! I find it wrong that my teenaged friend likes him, but
some 55 year old? What is wrong with you? Do you still live with your
mom? Is your mom still alive? Cuz if I were your momma I'd slap some
sence into you!
Love, your best friend,
The Walrus^.~V
P.S.Sorry to pop your preppy pink bubble, but he's paper!
Wu Fei or Trowa?:
You're f***ed up!

Date: 2003-06-19 16:22:29 (Pacific Time)

**sighs...!** Oh no! There goes all my hopes and dreams of ever
making babies with Wufei! He's PAPER! I never knew!


Here I go now ^_~ **my response back to the Walrus**:

Hi The Walrus!

Oooh, I know I'm a wee bit heavy, am a tree-hugging hippie that was
born in the wrong era, and have always tended to look older
than I really was...

but 50?


Trying shaving 20-someodd years off of that, and look at my birth-year,
like it says in my profile **you know, the same page that has the pictures
of me you saw on my Wufei shrine?**.
Try 24.

Also, just out of curiousity, if you have absolutely no interest in
something, say this site, and you think its childish, hmmm....
why are you even looking at it?

What is wrong with having an obsession? So Wufei is someone I
can never really have, I don't care! I can still imagine! I can still
dream! It's all in fun! ^^;;!
EVERYBODY has an obsession! Whether they want to hide it in a
closet and try and act cool, or bounce down the center of Broad Street,
Newark, wearing cat ears and a tiger tail, proclaiming their undying love
for a favorite character is their decision!

But to say something or someone is stupid or senseless because you
don't agree with it, THAT is wrong.

Now you go back into your world and I go back into my anime and
manga loving, convention going, Wufei-idolizing, art filled world!


This is in defence of EVERY person who has an obsession
with something or someone and isn't afraid to shout it out!
Don't like our noise?! TUFF TOOKIES HONEY!!

**grabs the nearest microphone with her said cat ears and tiger tail,
cranks up her computer speakers to Hikaru Utada's "Hikari",
the planitb Mix, and sings along out in the middle of the street ^_~!**


The following entry has been added to your Dreambook for
User: beechan2
Book: music (
Site: HUGS & KISSES: a Wu Fei lovers shrine

Entry number 27:

wow u mak me wanna throw up
E-mail address:
ur anus
Homepage URL:

wow. ur insane. just nowin that someone is in luv wit an uglyass
women hatin, smushed face pathetic hideous dick smellin basterd really
freaks me out. i think u should go back to teachin ur cat to use a knife
at dinner time wit u wen u go on ur fake dates wit her just so u can
practise for wen u do *fingers crossed* get that screwed up greasy
haired, baggy pant wearin rat-tailed sweetie all of ur own.
Wu Fei or Trowa?:
trowa is straight and by this lil box u better not b implyien that
hes gay wit Wufei u dirt lovin fat slut

Date: 2003-01-20 12:54:35 (Pacific Time)


**is a little disappointed this person didn't leave an e-mail**
**whips out a thesaurus and a dictionary**
Okay, I don't claim to be the world's best speller, but YIPES!! My friend,
there is something called a SPELL CHECK!

<<i think u should go back to teachin ur cat to use a knife
at dinner time wit u wen u go on ur fake dates wit her just so u can
practise for wen u do *fingers crossed* get that screwed up greasy
haired, baggy pant wearin rat-tailed sweetie all of ur own.>>

It's a lie! I don't practice-date with my cat, just my invisible friend George!
He's actually a very good practice-date, but no-where near as sexy as my Wu-bear.
Wait, you're saying I can go out Wufei?! OOOH!! CAN I?! Can I really?! Please
say its true!! **hops up and down**.

And the reason why his hair is also so shiny and slicked back is because he takes a
LOT of showers, deary, and doesn't use a hairdryer, just let's it air dry. And why does he
takes lots of showers? Its because he, Trowa, and Duo boink like a bunch of bunnies
every night and then some!! They're messy boy's and damn proud of it!
**whips out her cam-corder and walks in non-chalantly on a full-blown out
yaoi orgy! YEE-HAWW! Let's get it on! X3!**

<< u dirt lovin fat slut>>

And an amen to you too, my friend! ;b! Okay, you have me on one part;
I'm not exactly petite, but what in the world does that have to do with
the tea in Bolivia?
Might I suggest that since you seem to hate Wufei so much, that you follow
this advice: DON'T GO INTO A WUFEI SHRINE, SILLY!! ><;;!




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