Bee-chan feels The current mood of at


                      Wufei and other G-boy fanart!
note: PLEASE do not take anything from this page
                                        without the artists permission
                   Each piece here was graciously donated by each artist
                                        DOMO ARIGATO, MINNASAN!

= new pic!
= slightly older stuffs

- heavy yaoi & naughty stuff =3!


Navigation bar....

Bee-chan's artwork               

- **le sigh!** Wuffie Dragon and Nanashii-ko all grow'd up,
and still in love! The result of keeping Moulin Rouge's "Come What May"
stuck on repeat on WinAmp for a few hours ^_^.

- More naughtiness! X3! Fanart to Bronze Tigress's 2x5x2 fanfic,
"Peaches", a part of her "Ice Cream"series. Oh, to be the lucky camera woman!

- My hand-stitched Wufei doll! I'm so proud! **I can't sew to save
my life, but he came out pretty cute anyhoo! ^^;;! I'm never sewing again!**

- commisioned cover for Oren Mist! Wufei & Krystal
serenly cuddling under the protective shade of an tree.

- bwa ha ha! Wufei is sooo naughty! X3! Tygr sorta
requested this of me while we working our art staff shift at Shoujocon 2002,
and being that its Wufei, I was more than happy to oblige! BWA HAHAAA!!

- Kawaii-ness! Wuffie Dragon is thoroughly studing Nanashii-ko's
band to see it manages to stay like that ^^;;!

- More kawaii-ness! Wuffie Dragon gets tackled by Shinigami-chan!

- Again! WD's all pissy cuz people keep calling his sword a katana ^^;;!
For the last time, katanas are JAPANESE!! Wufei is CHINESE!! Get it right!

- Ack! More cute! I tried to get this animated, but it didn't work out...
Nanashii-ko and Wuffie Dragon cuddling ^_^!

- **no, I do NOT draw a lot of chibi's >.<;;!** Wuffie Dragon
trading card? Maybe?

- Art trade with Focsfyr! Its Zechs and Wufei, a tender moment.
Looks as if Wu-chan doesn't want a certain blonde bish to leave him!

- Usagi-feifei! Dun't go stealing his egg or he'll cry **well, that or
beat you within an inch of yer life ^^;;**

- Naughtiness! =3! It's fanart #1 to Enigma's 2x3x5 lemony fresh
'Zero Hour' fic!

- fanart #2 to 'Zero Hour'! Such a fun story! X3!

- Wuffie Dragon welcomes the New Year as the New Years baby,
with chibi-Fuunsaki from G Gundam in tow!

Misako's "You Know You Watch Too Much Disney When... "

- ^___^! The guy is just too beautiful!

- Hee! Wuffie Dragon dreaming about one of his favorite snacks...

- The cover art for my 3x5 angst fic, "Dream Passings"

- more fanart for an Enigma fic ^^;;! This time its for 'Chang Wufei:
Family Man'. Very sweet!

- still my favorite WD pic! He's just so cute ^_^!

- still my favorite chibi 3x5 piece too! Tro-kun and Wu-chan cuddling
and hanging out with their assigned beanie babies!

- ouchie! I always wondered if when a person re-grows their wings,
do they bleed profusley?

- Not so naughty, but it IS a fanart to a VERY naughty 3x5x3 fic,
called "Maid to Order" **NE! If you happen to know who wrote the
fic, please please PLEASE let me know so's I can acknowledge them
here! Plus... I wanna read it again X3!**

- Woo hoo! Finally a 5x3 piece! As Ryoko says, Wufei is DEFINETELY
the seme here! **FINALLY!!!**

- winged Wufei vampire making a midnight snack of a very nekkid Trowa!

- My pride and joy, my BABY! This is my first Wufei pic EVER!


Focsfyr's artwork       

- art trade! This was actually done to a very sweet 1x5 fic
**yes, 1x5 DOES exhist! And it works very well!**. It's
Prince Heero and his Lady-in-Waiting, Wufei! Loverly! ^_^!


Tsuno's artwork      

- EEEP!! Chibi-Wu and a big PINK BOW!! WAI!

- a gift from Tsuno of Obsessions! Angel Trowa and Dragon Wufei!
See! Heaven and Earth can get along! **TAKE THAT X!! XD!**


Fablespinner "D"'s artwork

- LUVR art trades! That hair! So very sex-ay! =3!


Want to display your Wufei artwork here?
E-mail Bee-chan with your artwork and a brief
description of the pic. Please, no copies of others artwork and
no alterations to exhisting pics. Be creative and let
Wu-chan run wild in your imagination, k?
Wuffie Dragons are DEFINETELY accepted **luv the Wuffie
Dragon! He is the site's official mascot and guardian after-all! ^_^!**


  What is YAOI?! / images / Fictions / Fanart / H&K: the Chang Wufei ml /
         My Adopted Family / Web Rings / Awards Won / Links /
         Contact Bee-chan! / About the 'lil bee' / About Wu-chan /
                                     Flames to giggle over ^_~

                     Sign the Dreambook / View the Dreambook!
