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I think this section is pretty self-explanatory. Links to other nifty sites.

My Pages

The Sailor Sanctuary-My Sailor Moon website

Affiliates/Sister Sites

Anything But Ordinary-A Weblog-My friend Julia's weblog, very pretty, and interesting.
Sweet Catastrophe-Also Julia's. Currently on Hiatus, but she showed me the layout design and once it's up, it'll be pretty ^_^

Other Webgraphics/Image Places

Goddess Goodies-Super good site. Helped me with some of my PSP troubles.
Bianca's Sailor Moon Gallery-If it's Sailor Moon, They probably got it here.
*THE* Utena Gallery-It earns its name. If it's Utena, it's here.
Inuyasha Scans-Hundreds and hundreds of Inuyasha images. Awesome!
Ginseng09's fanart

Fanfic Links archive of Fics, both fan, original, and otherwise. (Some of my work is there, under "Waku-chan")
Inuyasha's Corner-Alandrem's awesome fanfic site, I've logged nearly 300 hits from here. Go her. It's currently down for renovation, however.
Card Captor Science Theatre 3000-Bwuahaha. Awesome site.
The Satellite of Revolution-Another MST site, all Utena fics
Wind Child-Among some other stuff, Kaze-chan's superb FY fanfiction!
Demon Saya's Fanfiction-Demon Saya's stuff. mostly Inuyasha.

Anime Links


Inuyasha-Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi-Inuyasha manga translation site, up-to-the week translations!
Sengoku Jidai-One of the best Inuyasha sites on the net
Inuyasha no Uchi e yokouso!, The International Inuyasha Community
Fluffy Magazine - the #1 Mag for Beauty, Boutique & Bishounen!-Fun-site, lots of Inuyasha but other series too. They moved! No more awful pop-ups!
Furyou Houshi-A very cool Miroku Shrine
Hits and Near Kisses-A Sango/Miroku Shrine
Strawberry Miroku-A Shrine to the Furyou Houshi
Sailor Bob's Inuyasha Page-Don't let the non-descript name fool you...This is an awesome Inuyasha site!
On The Other Side- The World of Inuyasha
Inuyasha no Tsubo


Blood Soaked and Honor Bound-Shoujo Kakumei Utena-The funniest Utena site in existant. Also very helpful. Currently inactive, but that's to be understood...the poor site's been getting kicked all over the place
The Utena Encyclopedia-it's no longer being updated, but this page has a WHOLE lotta info.
Empty Movement-A great site! *THE* Utena Gallery is part of this page.

Vampire Princess Miyu

Eternal Requiem
Lair of Miyu & Larva
Darren's Vampire Princess Miyu-some good images here
WWW Vampire Princess Miyu Archive

Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin Network-This site is awesome. Visit. Now.
Rurouni Kenshin Desktop Goodies


Burning Sunset-One of the only English-language Mars sites. very cool.
Guicci's Mars Page-Okay, yes, it's in Italian, but it has pretty pictures ^.^
Jen's Page-Translations of all 15 volumes, plus the first Gaiden volume. awesome!

Card Captor Sakura

Sakura-Hime-A truly cool page, apologies to the webmaster for taking so long to get it up!


Dub This!-the continuing adventures of an anime club. I love this one!
Grayling-Adventures of otherworldly elementals. Cute, slightly serious, occasionally spastic, awesome art style. I HIGHLY recommend it, it doesn't get enough love :p
Boy Meets Boy-The ridiculously popular gay-boy strip :p V. funny and cute.
Omake Omatsuri (Omake Festival)-It's cute...two girls traveling random anime universes with the help of the KAWAII (don't ask)
Megatokyo-Please don't tell me you don't know what this is

Non-Anime Links

Timeheart-An absolutely AWESOME Young Wizards fansite! go visit. Now.
Neopets-Excellent site. Go. Adopt a (Virtual) Pet. Have fun! Highly Recomended.
Pink Poogle Toy-My favorite Neopets help site
State of Entropy-Lots of great PSP tutorials, very helpful.