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I get a lot of emails asking if I know where to find/buy Voltron videos, sound files, mpegs, and merchandise like toys and collectibles. I’m going to try and address these topics here, as well as a few other topics that I get a lot of email about. :)

Let’s start with the easiest to answer - sound files, mpegs, etc.

First - no, I don’t have any of these that I’m planning to put up on my site.

I do have a few sound files that I’ve downloaded from various places on the internet - they’re saved on a CD that’s mixed in somewhere with the other 300 or so CDs that I have. That means, no, I’m not going to be able to send these to you because I don’t even have a clue as to which CD they’re on. For someone who’s as organized as I am, you’d think I’d have labeled all of my CDs. O_o

Sorry guys ‘n’ gals - if you hunt around the internet long enough, you’ll be able to find the same files yourself.

Okay, if you take a peek in my links section, there are several sites that do have various sound and video files for download - and I’ve made notes about the content of each site, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find those for yourself. :)

On to videos, toys and collectibles.

My advice to you is to start with the official Voltron site - World Events Productions, Ltd.. If you dig around their site a bit, you’ll find that they sell t-shirts, hats, and videos - and posters, too, I think.

Next, I’d try ebay.

I’d also try yahoo auctions.

I think that Google is the best search engine around, and a great place to find whatever it is you’re looking for.

Amazon is another great site for finding videos, collectibles and much more, so try them, too.

Any anime store would be a great place to look - my advice is to check out Right Stuff - they are a great store, and they offer a lot of merchandise at a discount, or clearance price.

Something you may find interesting is that Voltron will soon be coming out on DVD... Check it out here - Voltron on DVD.

Other questions.

Another thing I get a lot of questions about is my own video collection. I do have a few VHS tapes with Voltron episodes that I taped when Voltron was airing this last time on Cartoon Network (a few years back). I also have a couple of tapes that I’ve traded with other people for.

I really am sorry, but I simply don’t have the time or resources to make copies of my tape collection for everyone who asks - I wish I did, but you all have Real Lives, too - families, jobs, and personal situations that are your first priority, I’m sure you can understand why I put my RL and RL family and friends first.

In the future, when I have a little more free time on my hands, I’ll consider doing trades for Voltron episodes that I do not currently have in my collection. When I’m able, I’ll make a list of what I have and what I need and I’ll post it here. Just to forewarn you, most of the episodes I do have aren’t great quality - they’re okay, the picture is (mostly) clear and the sound is decent (except for 1 or 2 eps where the sound is distorted), but they certainly aren’t high quality by any means.

One thing I feel very strong about is that I will not trade episodes that have been released on VHS. I feel this is unethical - if it’s available to purchase, then by trading it, I’m taking away from the copyright holders and owners. Besides, all the merchandise that’s bought from stores, etc., just shows WEP that Voltron is still in demand.

Updates to TLK

Let’s start with fanfics - I am revising/rewriting my entire series. The earlier works need a lot more attention than the older ones, so they’re going to take me a little more time to complete. I know that I haven’t updated my fics in a long time, but I’m hoping to rectify that very soon. Once I finish with the revisions, I’m planning on finishing out the series (I do have it outlined, and some of it written), but after that, my fanfiction writing days are going to come to a close. I’m sure that I’ll continue to pop off short stories now and again, but I can’t foresee myself writing another epic.

Fanart - well, if you’ve checked out any of my fanart around here, you know it’s not so fantastic - I’m not a superb artist, but I do enjoy drawing. I have been working on some more/new fanart for my site, but my scanner isn’t working right now, so I can’t do much there. :P

The Image Gallery - at this time, I cannot imagine that I’ll be adding any new screencaps to the image gallery. Besides, with all the Voltron Image Galleries out there, I’m sure that every screencap has already been captured and is on the net somewhere.

There are a few other things I want to touch on regarding TLK - one is that I’m working on new character bios and I’m hoping that I’ll be done with those rather soon. I'm also working on a new section for my site - although I may end up making it into it's very own mini-website, too - haven't decided yet.

Last, but not least, I’ve been trying to update my list of Voltron links. I think I’ve just about got all the sites out there listed, but with the way the internet is constantly changing, you can never be sure. So, if you have a Voltron link that isn’t listed in the links section, or you know of one, please email me and let me know about it!! And if your site, or the site you’re telling me about, features one of my banners, let me know that too, and I’ll be happy to feature that site’s banner! :)

If you want to know when TLK is updated, you can find a little yellow box toward the top of this page - just follow the directions. :)

I think that’s about it - if you still have a question (or many questions), please feel free to email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! :)

And that's the long and short of it. :)

Please Note:

All commentary and pages within this site Copyright © ShanShan.

Voltron: Defender Of The Universe, Voltron The Third Dimension
and all associated characters are owned and copyrighted © by
World Events Productions, Ltd.

Stories, new and original characters, etc., copyright © their respective authors/creators.

These pages are meant for entertainment purposes only - no infringement is intended.