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  • Challenges

    1. Ranma has often been given major power ups in Fan Fiction. Sometimes with no back story. The objective of this challenge is to bulk up Ranma's powers in a oneshot. Making the Way he gets the Powers clear and describing/defining the powers in such a way that they can be used in a Fanfic or RPG even if no one uses your idea. Does this mean you have to define every last twist? No, just the main stays. The powers that are most likely to be used if you wrote a fic around this version of Ranma. I have seen Fics where Ranma has amazing powers and the only explanation is that is AS (After Saffron). Then again I have seen fics by some author that do explain it in the course of the fic (Dark Phoenix, Animeaddict, etc) . You can do that. But remember I want One Shots for this challenge. Not to say you can't expand it later. Yes I realize this is a bit tough and the resulting One shots could be a touch long.. So be it. I suggest posting the answers to
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