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One thousand years ago. A demon power came to the world, and Tulpa was it's ruler. Although powerful, he was defeated by the one called the Ancient. Yet the soulless armor of the Evil Emperor was left behind. The Ancient, with the power of the magic staff, diffused the power, and created nine mystical armors. The souls of these armors were from the purest of human emotions. Loyalty, Piety, Obedience, Serenity, Virtue, Trust, Wisdom, Justice, and Life. But the first four were most easily corrupted to evil, and so swayed to the dark side. When the demon power came back, these four armors, Cruelty, Venom, Corruption, and Illusion, were there to carry out the wrath. But the five remaining, Wildfire, Torrent, Halo, Hardrock, and Strata, were still uncorrupted, and stayed to protect the mortal world, with these five to wield them: Ryo Sanada, Cye Mouri, Sage Date, Kento Rei Fuan, and Rowen Hashiba.
At the beginning of the battle, they did not know much about their armor. But a woman by the name of Mia Koji helped them to better understand how their armors worked, and how they were more powerful together than apart. In the second battle, (Glory for Anubis) they were scattered, and sent to where the armors were created. The armor of Wildfire took Ryo to the immortal volcano, the armor of Halo took Sage to the cave of the pinnacles, the armor of Torrent took Cye to the Sea of Toyama, the armor of Hardrock took Kento to the Throne of the Gods at Mt. Dojo, and the armor of Strata took Rowen to the sky, far above the earth. Ryo awoke first, and had to find the rest of the Ronin Warriors, before Tulpa and his Dark Warlords discovered where they were, and destroyed them. The only clue that he, Mia, and a boy named Yulie had was a poem that Mia's grandfather had told her when she was little:

Torch of spirit, sought through five

Drinking strength from Immortal fire,

The darkest prison sheds the light,

Churning beneath a swirl of salt,

Burning within a throne of rock,

Floating among the eyes of the ages,

Unmoored in a stream of the sky.

The lines in the poem were a clue to where each warrior was. They were revived in this order: Ryo of Wildfire, Sage of Halo, Cye of Torrent, Kento of Hardrock, Rowen of Strata. Their battles after were long and hard fought. They became stronger and they learned more about their armor's abilities as well as their own. They journeyed to Tulpa's castle in the sky, a bridge created by the Ancient one, who sacrificed his life to create the bridge.*sniffle* Once they thought they defeated Tulpa, but more Dynasty warriors came, trying to claim the powerful white Armor of Inferno, which combines the five armor powers into the armor of Wildfire and recreates into the Inferno armor. Yet each time the Ronin Warriors used the armor, it left all of them weak. Then after one battle with Sundevil, they learned that Tulpa was still alive. (And let's put it this way, they weren't to thrilled about it) After that, the Ancient appeared to each of them in a dream, telling them to go out on their own and find their spirit. As they were all apart, Tulpa found it easy to capture three of the warriors: Cye of Torrent, Sage of Halo, and Kento of Hardrock. Ryo and Rowen had to journey into the Nether Realm to rescue their friends. Along the way there were many traps and treacherous battles with a fierce warrior known as Lady Kayura, a descendent of the clan of the Ancient One who was under the control of Tulpa by a magical amulet. Many times she gave them a bad beating. Yet in the end, Ryo and Rowen finally did pull it off. Rowen was able to revive the captured three with three of his arrows of Life Force. Lady Kayura's amulet was broken by Ryo when he fought her with the armor of Inferno. Lord Badamon, of the Netherspirits, possessed her, and controlled her that way. Anubis, who the Ancient saved from Tulpa, and following in the Ancient's footsteps, freed Kayura from Badamon's control, but at the same time, gave his live in doing so. *sniffle again* Kayura became the wearer of the Armor of Cruelty, and used the magic staff of the Ancient. The Ronins and Dark Warlords had been imprisoned in nine shrines - one for each armor - making Tulpa exceedingly powerful. They broke free of the shrines and began to fight Tulpa, but he had already extended the Tower of Pain into the mortal world, bringing greed and hatred and fear, which is the source of his power. The warriors returned to the mortal world to fight him there. The Ronin Warriors created the Inferno Armor, and Ryo fought Tulpa. Tulpa said that the Inferno armor would be his once he defeated Ryo and took the armor from him. Ryo knew that he couldn't let Tulpa win the battle, otherwise he would destroy the world. Ryo, in a way, 'yielded' the Inferno armor to Tulpa. the soul of the armor, Virtue, began to pollute Tulpa's evil. Ryo screamed at the remaining Ronins to hit Tulpa while he was weakened by the trait of Virtue. The others were hesitant, because they didn't want to kill Ryo, but if they didn't attack, Tulpa would rule. Tears flying from their eyes, they attacked with all of their strength and power. The Jewel of Life (which actually played a somewhat significant role along this whole way and I just failed to mention where) struck one final blow against Tulpa, destroying him. After the attack, a white flaming light flew out of the destruction and landed, revealing Ryo in the Inferno armor, just as good as new. Now, they had finally defeated Tulpa. Kayura and the other Dark Warlords (well, I guess they're just 'warlords now, seeing as they're good) returned back to the Nether Realm to keep it safe once again. At the end, they took off their helmets, and threw them into the sky, where they burst into sakura petals, and drifted back down to the ground. The armors disappeared leaving them standing in letter jackets, with their respective colors, and the first letter of their name on it. (Actually it was the first letter of the trooper's name, seeing as Ronin Warriors was dubbed from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, see the Conversion Chart)

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