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Misty's Anime Page

Coming Soon!

This isn't a hentai page :) Sorry!!

Hey everyone! I'm in the process of moving my site to Angelfire because I had a problem with that other place I had my site on before. Sorry for any inconveniences, but Im slowly but surely getting all my pages back up with a few new drawings to add. I never ended up going to college (don't worry, I'm still going!), so I'll have some time when Im not working or spending time with the man I love to do some updates! Currently, I only have two pages up and running... the links page haha - here and the Gundam Wing drawing page - GW. I know all you DBZ fans want that page back up and running, so that's the page I'll put up next! :) Come back in the next few weeks and see if more stuff is up! Thanks for all your support :) - MK
10/31/2001~HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I got the Things They Would Never Say page up and running! More to come in later weeks :) Have a safe halloween!

Snow Faerie Mystique says to go visit NeoPets!! Click on the pic!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

There are people getting email from me : that apparently contains a virus. Someone hacked into my email address or something, but just be aware of it. I don't send attachments. But I don't want any other RUDE, OBNOXIOUS, INSULTING emails from people calling me very rude names when I didn't send anything to begin with. It's the KLEZ VIRUS, if anyone wants to know what it is. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING from me unless you know it's coming. The problem should be solved, but who knows. Just be safe :) And Mike... I am NOT a "stupid *#^@^&! American" ....