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Here's my newest page. Since I haven't had a lot of time to update my pic pages, I decided to steal ::cough:: I mean... borrow an idea I've seen used elsewhere on the web. Now you can submit your own "Things they would never say..." So if you have a fun quote from an anime char, doesn't matter who, send it to me! Doesn't matter the char, or the series :) Just send and share a laugh. I decided to start it off with just a few of my own.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Gundam Wing~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

(you know how annoying it is to hear Heero say Relena's name everytime he turns around?)
Heero- "Hnnnn... Relena..."
Relena- "Heero! If I hear you say that just ONE MORE TIME....."
Heero- ::sighs:: "....Relena...."
Relena- "THAT'S IT!" ::grabs a gun, shoots Heero:: "Relena THAT!"
Duo- "You guys think I should dye my hair blond?"
Heero- "Nah, you'd look better as a redhead"
Wufei- "You really aught to just streak it blond, Duo"
Trowa- "Why don't you-" ::cut off by Quatre::
Quatre- ::has a demented look in his eye:: "Why don't we just CHOP IT OFF???" ::has an axe in hand:: "MUWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"
Duo- "From now on, I shall call myself God of Braided Bakas!"
Duo-"...and then the guy says 'but waiter! That's no garnish! That's a fly!'"
Heero- ::busts out laughing:: "Your jokes are great Duo!"
Relena- "Dorothy...? Do you realize how stupid your eyebrows look?"
Dorothy- ::looks around suspiciously:: "What... eyebrows....?"
Treize-::sneezes:: "D*mn these roses! Give me some good ol' plastic flowers!"

Ryoko Maxwell:
Relena- Heero are you going out with another girl?
Heero- Yes
Relena- Who?
Heero- She's..
Relena- Who?
Heero- Duo's sister Jade..
Jade-::walks in the room and hugs Heero:: We are perfect, so Relena, butt out!
Duo-::holding a gun:: Die cause I'm the God of Death!
Quatre- No fair! I want to be the God of Death..
Wufei- Can you keep it down over there??
Trowa- Shut up you weaking!
Wufei- Trowa you're mean ::runs off crying::
Heero- I am Sailor Moon!
Duo- I am Sailor Saturn
Trowa- I am Sailor Pluto the keeper of time!
Quatre- I am Sailor Venus!
Wufei- I am Sailor Mars!
Duo-::singing:: Catch you catch you catch me catch me matta
Heero-::singing:: So nice to meet you good to see you hakka
Heero and Duo-::singing:: Catch you catch you catch me catch me so nice to meet you good to see you hakka
Duo- I'll kill you!
Heero- You're too gloomy you shoud have some fun
Quatre- You are a weakling Barton
Trowa- No! I'm the most powerful being in world! ::then kills Quatre:: Die Quatre Raberba Winner
Quatre- ::as he dies:: INJUSTICE!!
Wufei- Yay Trowa killed the evil Quatre Raberba Winner!
Duo- Wow.. is that so?
Trowa- Die ::kills duo::
Wufei- Wow you killed the evil Duo Maxwell!
Heero- So what? Who cares??
Trowa- Die ::kills heero:: cause you're all bunched up
Wufei- ::turns on blue velvet:: Trowa you're the coolest!
Trowa- Yes I am
Wufei- Kill me...
Treize- Okay ::cuts off wufei's head:: You did say to kill you ::then killed the other g-boys::
Treize- ::singing:: No more gundam no more gundam yay!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Tenchi Muyo/Universe/In Tokyo~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ryoko-::sighs:: You can have Tenchi, Ayeka... I don't want him anymore... ::clings to Hutsuma:: ((YEAH RIGHT!!! XD!))

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~DragonBall Z~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Kevin L:
Goku: You have hurt the earth too much!
Monster: What are you going to do about it?
Goku: I am going to make so the people of this planet suffer no more!
Monster: So you're going to kill me?
Goku: Thats right! ::grunts::
Monster: Give it your best...

2 hours later

Goku: ::grunting still::
Person in background: Will you just kill him already?!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Outlaw Star~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

M. Karrde:
Okay... this is more like a commercial they would never do... but it's mad funny!!! :D

Jim and Gene are singing to that sappy cotton commercial music....
Jim:The touch...
Gene:The feel...
both:of cotton.....

both:The fabric of our shorts!
MY IDEA! (The OLS part anyway) NO STEAL! XD
