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Chapter 7

Rowen and White Blaze ran playfully in the wooded park. They ran around for what seemed like an hour or so. Both finally tired from the game decided to rest on a bench with the shade of a willow tree.

"Jeez Blaze, you haven't changed a bit. Still the playful little tiger I remember, but I guess you're not so little anymore."

He sat there brushing the tiger's fur for awhile. Just looking out into the distance.


"I know that voice."

A young girl crouched behind a willow tree. She listened to the blue haired boy.

"I guess he did make it back here after all."

She then stood up and walked over to the bench and sat down at the other end.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked turning to the boy. He turned and faced her with a smile.

"Well I don't really know. What's your name?"

"I'm Syemora, don't you remember me, Rowen?"

He laughed. "Of course I do. Didn't think I would forget the one person that befriended me in the foster home, would you? No I was just joking around."

~Still the same old Ro.~ she thought.

"What are you doing in town? I thought you went to another foster home."

"No right after you were moved into that new home Kit and I got to stay with a nice family. They were the last family we got stay with. They raised us like their own. How was your luck?"

"I couldn't tell ya. My life took another course and I never made it to the house. But I'd rather not talk about it now."

"Well that's ok. So where do you live?"

"I'm actually living north of here, I'm visiting an old friend. I was actually heading back. Want ta tag along?" he said as he stood up.

"Sure. I've gotten nothing better to do today." she laughed. They started off. She then noticed Rowen climbing on the back of the tiger. "What's that?" she said with a little fear in her voice.

"Our ride home. Hop on." he said patting the tiger's back. "Oh come on. He doesn't hurt anyone." ~At least anyone who's not from the Dynasty.~

Still a little scared she boarded the tiger and wrapped her arms around Rowen's waist. White Blaze was getting ready to take them home when out of the woods came a sparkling ball of white light.

~God why did they have to come now? Oh well guess she would have found out sooner or later.~

"Take cover!" he yelled as he jumped off the tiger and proceeded to armor up. "ARMOR OF STRATA TAO INOCHI!!!!" He stood with his armor on awaiting the new evil to arrive.


Meanwhile... Sara ran and took cover within the forest. She had seen Rowen's transformation and decided to followsuit.

"ARMOR TRANSFORMATION!!!!! I CALL UPON THE POWER OF RAIN!!!!" She was surrounded in a blue energy ball. When the transformation was over she stood in her blue and silver armor.

"Blaze, please make sure you cover Ro's back. I'm going in." She ran out of the woods back to the battle.


"Come out you coward. Come and face your doom!" he yelled.

The ball started to take the form of a man. When the light disappeared a young man stood staring at the warrior from behind his black mask. His armor was also black.

"I wish you wouldn't taunt me like that. But then again it gives me a good reason for me to kill you. My name is Toru. Learn it well." he smirked. His voice sent chills down Rowen's back.

"Why does everyone want to take over Earth. It's not like we have a huge supply of evil already. And then you guys have to come. Why don't you just leave us alone!!"

"ARMOR OF STRATA....ARROW SHOCK WAVE!!!!!" he yelled as he released the power of his surekill. The arrow went strait for Toru's mask. At the last minute he held out his hand and stopped the arrow in mid-air with an energy ball. The suspended arrow then spun around in the direction of it's sender and went back full speed. Rowen had no time to get out of the way.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" The arrow cut straight through his armor and imbeded itself in his sholder. He fell to the ground grasping his sholder.

"Rowen!!" Sara yelled as she approached the battlefield. "Toru you'll pay for this." she said as she glared at the masked man.

"Not this time. You two are pathedic and I have no time to deal with weaklings like you." He then changed back into the ball of light and left.

"Rowen are you ok? We need to get you home."

"Wait. Where did you get this armor?"

"I'll tell you later. You need help. Blaze!!!!"

She and Rowen boarded the tiger and took off for home.

Chapter 6
Chapter 8
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