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Chapter 6

~*~2 Days Later~*~

"Tomorrow I need to go to the city to pick up some food. We're not gonna have enough here to feed us and Kento for the rest of the week." joked Ryo.

"Hey I don't eat that much anymore. I'm on a diet."

"Well that's a change for the good." replied Rowen with a sarcastic laugh.

"I'll go with you Ryo, I need to mail some letters to home."

"Alright Sage, but you'll need to get up pretty early. About 5-o-clock I think should be about the right time to leave the house."

"What are you gonna do then?"

"Well it's a long jog to the city." he said half laughing and half shouting. Sage's face turned pale when he realized what he got himself into.

"I'm gonna take White Blaze to the park tomorrow. He's been inside the house all week, he needs some fresh air."

"Just don't let him run off again, kay Rowen? He's been doing that lately."

"I won't. Don't worry. I can run faster than him now. I've had to run 40 kilometers a day for training. Got my time under an hour."

~*~The Next Day*~

Sage awoke at 4am and locked himself in the bathroom.

"Sage come on I don't want to wake Rowen. Don't make me break the door down. You're makin me run late. It's already 5:30. Come on already." he said as he knocked on the door. ~Thank God Rowen sleeps really deeply, or else he'd kick my ass for waking him this early~ he thought. Finally Sage emerged from the bathroom. ~Not a hair out of place.~ he thought as he gave one last look in the mirror.

They headed out the kitchen door. "Alright. We follow this path to the city. It's about an hour and a half run."

They set off for the city. Ryo raced far ahead of Sage. ~How does he run that fast? Unless....~ with that thought Sage put on his subarmor and ran to Ryo's side.

"Are you in your sub?"

"No, but you are." he said jokingly. Sage wondered how he could be that awake to even think of joking around or even run this fast.

"Well then how do you run this fast?"

"I don't know. Ever since I've worn that new armor my speed and strength has increased even though I haven't changed my training at all. It's really weird."

"I'll say. I don't think Rowen could even run this fast without his sub on. I'm already out of breath with mine. I guess that armor really did do this to you."

Sage slowly drifted behind Ryo, but Ryo slowed so not to loose Sage. They both ran the 25 kilometer run to the city. When they got there they stopped in a small coffee shop for breakfast.

"Well what do you need to do here again?"

"I need to pick up some food for the house and since you forgot your letters you will be a tagalong for the day."

"Oh yeah. I forgot em on the bathroom sink."

"I told you not to put them there last night. But no you wouldn't listen to me. Oh well, we'll just have to jog back tomorrow." he said with a grin remembering the torture he put Sage through on the jog here.

"No thanks. I'll just take the car next time."

"Well it's 7:30 and the store's open. You coming or staying here?"

"I'll come. You'll need help carrying the food."

They walked down the block to the supermarket. They went inside and started to get supplies.


A small, young woman looked in the direction of the pair. Her sparkling green eyes studied the blue eyes of the wild black haired boy. She studied his every move. Following them throughout the store.

~Is that really him? It couldn't be. He's soo....old and actually tall for a change. But those eyes. It must to be him.~ She slowly approached the boys.

"Ryo? Ryo Sanada?"

He turned to face the young woman. "Yes, can I help you....Kit? Kit is that really you?"

"Ryo, it is you? How have you been?"

"Great. What are you doin here? I thought you were going to go to the States with your parents after I left."

"No, daddy got a promotion and we got to stay." She glanced over at Sage. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, sorry. Kit this is Sage Date. Sage this is Kitara Mehemorshi."

"Hi Kitara, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Sage. But you can call me Kit. That's what my friends call me. And any friend of Ryo's is a friend of mine."

"Why are you in the city?"

"Me and my sister had to come here to see the sites. She was dying to come." she said with the hint that she was holding back something. Ryo felt it, but brushed it off.

"Well do you have anywhere to stay, I mean besides a hotel."

"Actually we don't even have that. We didn't plan on staying long, but not I guess we will change our plans."

"Well your welcome in my home. We have an extra room with two beds in it if you don't mind sharing like old days."

"I'll go pay and leave you two to catch up." Sage said walking away from the strange pair.

"Oh while he's gone, I better tell you that they don't know about him. I'd rather them not know for now. So could you keep it under wraps? Please?" he said with concern in his voice. His deep eyes stared into hers looking for understanding.

"Ok, I mean you're giving me a place to stay aren't you? That's the least I can do."

"Well lets go. Sage is waiting."

They walked out the door and started heading for home when suddenly the sky turned silver and a man with auburn hair hoovered in the sky.

~No not here. Not now.~ thought Ryo knowing that he would have to armor up to keep Kit from getting hurt. He looked towards where Kit had been standing. ~What is she doing?~

Kit stood with her hand sticking straight out to the side of her. Suddenly a green beam appeared in it. The beam formed a staff with green gem at the top. She held it above her head and yelled "ARMOR TRANSFORMATION!!!!!!! I CALL UPON THE POWER OF THE JUNGLE!!!!!!!!" She was then surrounded with a green energy ball similar to the one Ryo was in days ago. When the light faded she stood in a green spiral armor and a whip in her right hand. "Ryo, Sage, stay back. I'll protect you from this trash." Ryo turned towards Sage and silently agreed to stay back until needed.

"Well you are pathedic child. Have you come out to fight me. Well you won't be much of a fight."

"Can it Nakata!"

"So you are one of the chosen ones are you? Well you won't be a worry for long."

"That's what you think!!" Finally the fighting commenced. Nakata attacked head on. He led in with his staff trying to hit the young warrior in any way possible. Kit blocked some of his attacks the handle of her whip, but couldn't block all of them. She was hit in the side with the staff as she jumped out of the way of another strong blast. The combat was pretty intense and it gave Ryo and Sage a chance to duck into an ally.

"Armor least subs. We have to be able to jump in there Sage."

"That's fine with me. But we better hurry." He said as he looked at the pair. Kakata had the advantage when he kicked her down onto the ground and held her there with his staff.

"ARMOR OF HALO!!!!!!!!!"


They stayed hidden within the ally until the time Kit would needed help. She was being badly beaten by Kakata. He slit her arm with an energy blast. She attacked back with her whip

"VINE LASO EXTINGUISH!!!!!!!" she yelled as her whip swung fiercely above her head. A blast of energy flew from the whip as she thrashed the weapon towards her enemy. He dodged it easily. Then sent another blast at her sending her straight into the brick supermarket.

"Nooooo!!!! We go in now. I'm not gonna loose someone else close to me again. I won't let it happen!!!!!!!!" Ryo yelled as he charged at the attacker.

"The chosen one!" he said "Finally we meet."

"I'm not the chosen one you speak of. I have no idea what you're talking about. Nor do I want to know!! No one hurts my family!!!!" he yelled.

"FLARE UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the blast headed straight for Kakata. It hit him head on. He flew back into a tree cutting it completely in half. He fell to the ground but wasn't down for long. He got up and laughed. It seemed as though the blast only scratched him for the way he was acting.

"For being a chosen you sure aren't strong. I can't believe she wants you. Well I'll do you a favor and come back later when you're more of a challenge." He disappeared into a once more silver sky.

"Kit!!" Ryo yelled as he turned and ran to where Sage and Kit sat.

"I tried to heal her the best I could. I figured you would want to handle him on your own."

"Thanks Sage. We gotta get her back to the house. I'm gonna run ahead of you. I'll be able to get home in about 20 minutes that way."

"Alright. I'll make sure everything here is ok and they I'll follow."

"Be careful. They're watching us. I can feel their presence." They nodded in agreement and went to their plans.

Chapter 5
Chapter 7
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