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Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt

Wyld Hunt


  • 01. Prove Yourself
  • 02. Marauders
  • 03. Scour Darkreach Mountains
  • 04. Slavers
  • 05. Seek the Oracle's Advice
  • 06. Amnesia
  • 07. Even Dragons Pay Taxes
  • 08. Royal Cartographer
  • 09. The Flower Quest
  • 10. Peace Mission
  • 11. Conscription
  • 12. Save Rosewood Keep
  • 13. Escort Lady Sophia
  • 14. Victory over Duke Bane
  • 15. Royal Wedding Gift
  • 16. Courier for the Court
  • 17. Capture the Traitor
  • 18. Assault on Ebonlique
  • 19. Quest for Knowledge
  • 20. The Wyld Hunt
  • 21. Jailbreak
  • 22. Balm for Madness
  • 23. Gird the Realm's Heroes
  • 24. Reconnaissance Mission
  • 25. Middlemarch Invaders
  • Aberhold Slave Pits
  • Absent-Minded
  • Aegis Monolith
  • Al-Kanon, the Chaos Sword
  • Allergies
  • Althros, The Steam City
  • Arborian Oak-kin
  • Arborian Willowtree Warrior
  • Arden-Coast Junction
  • Arden-Palinian Junction
  • Ardenmore Guard Patrol
  • Ardenroad (1)
  • Ardenroad (2)
  • Ardenroad (3)
  • Arm-Wrestling Troll
  • Assjack
  • Assjack's Trust
  • Autumn Plague
  • Axe of the Ogre Fiend Gurrgall
  • Bad Luck
  • Bag of Gold
  • Balanvale
  • Balath Castle
  • Bane Tower
  • Bane Tower Road
  • Banek
  • Bell the Cat
  • Belt of Troll Strength
  • Bernard Assjack
  • Billy Smith, 8th Grade Honor Student and Human
  • Cartographer
  • Blackmail
  • Blackrock Pass
  • Bloath: Ogre Bully
  • Bog
  • Boil and Bubble
  • Bottom-Heavy
  • Boulder
  • Brilliant Strategy
  • Broad-Shouldered
  • Bully
  • Chameleon
  • Chimera
  • Circlet of Resolve
  • Cityboy
  • Claustrophobic
  • Clear Thinking
  • Cog Dragoon
  • Cog Soldier
  • Coin of Clarity
  • Colinwell
  • Commanding Presence
  • Coral Palace
  • Coral Trident
  • Corporeal Ghost
  • Court of Praxis Tynon
  • Coward
  • Crazed
  • Creativity
  • Cunning
  • Dark Reach Pass
  • Darkened Glen
  • Darkling Junction
  • Darklingvale
  • Darkreach Loche
  • Darkreach Mountains
  • Darkreach Spires
  • Davelon, Gleeful Satyr
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Devilish Grin
  • Dictum
  • Dirty Fighter
  • Dishonest
  • Doppelganger
  • Dragonkin
  • Dragonkin (female)
  • Dragonkin (male)
  • Dreaming
  • Duelist
  • Duke Bane
  • Eagle Eyes
  • Ebonlique
  • Effigy
  • Eidle Road
  • Eidolon
  • Eloquent Speech
  • Ensnare
  • Fae Armor
  • Fae Blade
  • Fair Fortune
  • Fancy Pants
  • Fealty to House Fionna
  • Fealty to House Liam
  • Fianna Garou
  • Fields of Rust
  • Fields of Sabine
  • Fiesole
  • Flock of Harpies
  • Foresight
  • Forest of the Midnight Sun
  • Forest Spiders
  • Forestry
  • Frost Giant
  • Frost Haven
  • Fuddle
  • Fugue
  • Gambling Knockers
  • Gauntlet of Herculean Strength
  • Giant Eagle
  • Giant Hopping Toad
  • Giant Slug
  • Gimmix
  • Glamour Dance
  • Glamour Dust
  • Glass Jaw
  • Gnome's Brew
  • Golden Torc
  • Goldenreach Fields
  • Gord's Knot
  • Gorgeous
  • Grandeur
  • Grey Reach
  • Grey River
  • Greyview
  • Guilty As Charged
  • Gullible
  • Gurthdass, Troll Bodyguard
  • Hall of the Ogre King
  • Hamlet of Bloath
  • Hamlet of Easlynn
  • Haunted Heart
  • Hawk Knife
  • Heather-Balm
  • Hermit's Hollow
  • Hills of Steam
  • Hopscotch
  • Hound of Hades
  • Human (female)
  • Human (male)
  • Humans
  • Hungry Ettin
  • Huntinglane
  • Huntsman's Snare
  • Hurrgan Skurr, Ogre Henchman
  • Hurricane
  • Icarian Flying Skiff
  • Imp (female)
  • Imp (male)
  • Imps
  • Indecisive
  • Innocent Smile
  • Ione's Temple
  • Iron Will
  • Irondeath Fields
  • Irondew Artillery
  • Irondew Keep
  • Irondew Road (1)
  • Irondew Road (2)
  • Jealous Redcap
  • King Ironheart
  • Knocker (female)
  • Knocker (male)
  • Knocker's Artifact
  • Knockers
  • Kryllian's Pond
  • Lady Kryddia, Sidhe Adventurer
  • Lady Sophia
  • Lance of Ardlanth
  • Lightning Quick
  • Lost!
  • Low Moral Character
  • Magical Barrier
  • Manticora
  • Map of the Land
  • Maze
  • Mead of Vigor
  • Mephisto's Seeds
  • Mer
  • Mer (female)
  • Mer (male)
  • Middleguard
  • Middlemarch Junction
  • Midnight Falls
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Mirthos Fjadal
  • Mountain Heritage
  • Mountain of the Kings
  • Mounted Spidereye Goblin
  • Mouth of Grey
  • Noria of Eternity
  • Nowhere Blind
  • Nowhere Glade
  • Nowhere Junction
  • Nuvorg, Imp Conman
  • Nymph
  • Nymph's Wreath
  • Nymphs
  • Oakenshield
  • Oathfriend
  • Oceanius
  • Ogre (female)
  • Ogre (male)
  • Ogre Games
  • Ogre Kin
  • Ogre Watch Bridge
  • Ogres
  • Old Man of the Sea
  • Orchid Isle
  • Page
  • Palinian Road
  • Palinian-Coast Junciton
  • Pansy
  • Pathetic Sniveling
  • Pearl of Wisdom
  • Perceptive Fighter
  • Perfect Body
  • Pesky Merchant
  • Pferl
  • Pilgrim's Burden
  • Pirates
  • Pit of the Grubworm
  • Pitha's Testing Zone
  • Pixie Dust
  • Portal Passage
  • Potion of Love
  • Prometheus' Fist
  • Proper Etiquette
  • Protocol
  • Psyche Out
  • Quicksand
  • Quicksilver
  • Raxis
  • Redcap (female)
  • Redcap (male)
  • Redcaps
  • Relentless
  • Renegade Dragonkin
  • River of Rust
  • Road to Middlemarch
  • Roc Attack
  • Rockslide
  • Rogue Troll
  • Rosewood Bend
  • Rosewood Keep
  • Ruins of Astalar
  • Runes
  • Runic Circle
  • Runs-Wild, Werewolf Traveler
  • Sabine Glade
  • Sadmost Bridge
  • Saining
  • Sandman
  • Sardinium
  • Satyr
  • Satyr
  • Satyr's Pipes
  • Scorched Fields
  • Scroll of Knowledge
  • Sea Worthy
  • Sense of Direction
  • Seraph
  • Shadow Rust Vale
  • Shaebanaria, Nymph Guide
  • Shield
  • Sibylline Swamp
  • Sidhe
  • Sidhe (female)
  • Sidhe (male)
  • Sidhe Sword
  • Silvernahl, Mer Debater
  • Sir Wrathgar
  • Slavers
  • Snide Remarks
  • Sophia's Favor
  • Sophia's Hatred
  • Sphinx's Riddle
  • Spidereye Goblin
  • Spike Trap
  • Splendour Bridge
  • Splendour Lake
  • Splendour Waters
  • Splendourscale
  • Steadfast
  • Steely Sinews
  • Stone Egg
  • Stormguard Keep
  • Sundered Copse
  • Sundered Woods
  • Sure Pass Trail
  • Swamp Rat
  • Tattletale
  • Tax Collector
  • The City of Coral
  • The Crystal Falls
  • The Eastern Coastal Road (1)
  • The Eastern Coastal Road (2)
  • The Edge of Grey Filth
  • The Graveyard of Ships
  • The Kyrrian Tower
  • The Loa-Heedron
  • The Marsh of Grey Filth
  • The Palinian Road
  • The Road to Nowhere
  • The Ruins of Plugrath
  • The Rust Mines of Toris Baalgarth
  • The Sheriff of Raxis
  • The Silver Branch
  • The Silver Tongue
  • The Swamplands
  • The Wyld March
  • Thieves Guild
  • Thieves!
  • Thomas the Lame Brigand
  • Tiberius
  • Tiberius
  • Ties to Middlemarch
  • Tome of the Dragonkin
  • Traveling Papers
  • Trojan Horse
  • Troll (female)
  • Troll (male)
  • Trolls
  • Tsu Ocean (1)
  • Tsu Ocean (2)
  • Tsu Ocean (3)
  • Underdog
  • Unicorn
  • Unseelie Knight
  • Vengeful
  • Wand of Ice
  • Wandering Imp
  • Wanderlust
  • Warhorse
  • Warrant
  • Wasteland
  • Water Elemental
  • Waterrunner
  • Weak Knees
  • Weakling
  • Wenig, Knocker Mechanic
  • Whirlpool
  • Whiselkane's Lane
  • Will-o'-the-Wisp
  • Willow Light
  • Willow-Whisper
  • Willowtree Scrub
  • Willowtree Vale
  • Winged Sandals
  • Witch's Curse
  • Witty Repartee
  • Wooden Horse
  • Writ of Carte` Blanche
  • Wyldstone

    Up for Trade:

  • None

    King Ironheart's Madness


  • Border Run
  • Hunted!
  • The Dark Yeoman's Dream Test
  • Dark Yeoman's Quest: King of the Hill
  • Dark Yeoman's Quest: Jacko D'Rakk
  • Dark Yeoman's Quest: Decoy
  • Dark Yeoman's Quest: Cog Refinery Spill
  • The Secret of the Sleeping Giant
  • The Third Eye
  • Assault on Mechopolis
  • Enslaved!
  • Join the Monkeywrench Gang!
  • Rally the Slaves
  • Raid on General Motors' Workshop
  • Stowaway!
  • Free the Waterfall City
  • Kokua Raid
  • The Floating City
  • Air Assault
  • The Steam Drake's Lair
  • The Slave Pit
  • Unwind the Key
  • Aldrich, the Mechician
  • The Darkening
  • Escape the Great Caliph's Wrath
  • Accountability
  • Affectionate Oilslick
  • al-Sidan, Djinn Assassin
  • Aldrich's Workshop
  • Aldrich, The Mechician
  • Aldrich, the Mechician
  • Alert
  • Anal Retentive
  • Arborian Cog Tower
  • Arden Border
  • Arden Junction
  • Army Ant Guides
  • Army Ant Kommando Kit
  • Army Ant Platoon
  • Army Ants
  • Ash Heaps
  • Assembly Line
  • Augury
  • Bag of Gold
  • Barnacle Armor
  • Beguiling
  • Berserker
  • Blade of Cold Iron
  • Blind
  • Bliss Camp
  • Blood Key
  • Bog of Ire
  • Bog Pits of Grey Filth
  • Boggan Gang Bangers
  • Bradburr's Mighty Pen
  • Braggart
  • Brawny
  • Buccaneer Colony
  • Bumpkin
  • Burn & Boil
  • Buster Zoltan, Human Mechanic
  • Capsized
  • Captive Heart
  • Carnivorous Plants
  • Chainblade
  • Charm
  • Charming
  • Chasm Range Foothills
  • Chasm Range Trail
  • Chasm Spires.
  • Cheater
  • Clock Roaches
  • Clumsy
  • Cog Access bridge
  • Cog Access Highway
  • Cog Autogyro
  • Cog Barracks
  • Cog Dreadnought
  • Cog Exoskeleton
  • Cog Hunter
  • Cog Hunting Dogs
  • Cog Juggernaut
  • Cog Marauders
  • Cog Mortar
  • Cog Platoon
  • Cog Refinery
  • Cog Sniper
  • Cog Spider Flyers
  • Cog Spider Tank
  • Cog Squid
  • Cog Steed
  • Cog Submarine
  • Cog Tank
  • Cog Training Grounds
  • Cog Trap
  • Cogophobia
  • Commanding
  • Coughing Break
  • Creative
  • Cruel Geyser
  • Cutting Humor
  • Dapper Rokea
  • Dark Yeoman's Guidance
  • Dask, Dragonkin Knight
  • Dem Bones
  • Despised
  • Dignified
  • Discerning
  • Disciplined
  • Djinn (female)
  • Djinn (male)
  • Djinn Scimitar
  • Djinn Wanderers
  • Downtown Mechopolis
  • Dreamcatcher
  • Dunes of Remorse
  • Dystopian Maze
  • Earthquake
  • Earthshape
  • East Cog Access Road
  • East Cog Tower
  • East Gate Access
  • East Watch Tower
  • Egg of the Wyrd
  • Elder Form
  • Empathetic
  • Endurance Reserves
  • Eshu
  • Eshu (female)
  • Eshu (male)
  • Eshu Buckler
  • Explorer
  • Fairbanks, Eshu Pirate
  • Fallen Border
  • Fashion Victim
  • Fate Fire
  • Favored by Ali'i
  • Ferocious
  • Fianna Garou
  • Fields of Honor
  • Fields of Plunder
  • Fields of Sludge
  • Flame Lance
  • Flash Powder
  • Flatlands
  • Fleet of Foot
  • Flicker Flash
  • Flood
  • Footpad
  • Garden District
  • Geasa
  • General Electric
  • General Motors
  • Gremlin (female)
  • Gremlin (male)
  • Gremlin's Tools
  • Gremlins
  • Grey Bog
  • Grey Marsh
  • Grey Mire River
  • Grey River
  • Grey Sod Glades
  • Gridlock
  • Griffin
  • Gurthdass
  • Gurthdass, Troll Bodyguard
  • Head Leech
  • Hermann, Boggan Scout
  • High Anxiety
  • Holly Strike
  • Hypo-Scorpions
  • Ill-Prepared
  • Industrial Accident
  • Inferno
  • Ingenious
  • Insane Homesteaders
  • Insidious
  • Insight
  • Intimidating
  • Intuitive
  • Iron Park
  • Iron Plains
  • Iron Swamp
  • Irondew Junction
  • Irondew Road
  • Irondew Ruins
  • Ironheart's Toll Bridge
  • Ironheart's Trust
  • Ironleaf Fields
  • Ironleaf Forest
  • Ironleaf Lane
  • Ironleaf Vale
  • Jabbermouth
  • Jack Hammer, Rehabilitated Cog Dragoon
  • Jacko D'Rakk
  • Jacko's Bog
  • Jungle Sirens
  • Kaihikaai
  • Kelwrath's Volcano
  • Kenu, Escaped Kokua Slave
  • King Ironheart's Highway (1)
  • King Ironheart's Highway (2)
  • King Ironheart's Highway (3)
  • Knowledgeable
  • Kokua
  • Kokua (female)
  • Kokua (male)
  • Kokua Blowguns
  • Lair of the Steam Drake
  • Lastwater Fields
  • Lazy
  • Liberated Steam Sprites
  • Little Hammer God
  • Lodestone
  • Lord Gamine
  • Lord Gamine's Backing
  • Loric's Fields
  • Lost City of Mirron.
  • Lyya, Naga Mistress of Secrets
  • Magic Beans
  • Magic Carpet
  • Maria, Satyr Poet
  • Marketplace
  • Mechanical Knack
  • Mechopolis Blueprints
  • Mechopolis Security
  • Mechopolis Water Works
  • Mechorg (female)
  • Mechorg (male)
  • Mechorg Assassin
  • Meditative Practice
  • Middlemarch Airfields
  • Mirage
  • Misdirection
  • Monkey Wrench
  • Mooch
  • Mr. Briefcase, Human Magician
  • Murch, Renegade Gremlin
  • Music Box
  • Naga
  • Naga (female)
  • Naga (male)
  • Naga Fangspear
  • Naga Guardians
  • Naturally Aggressive
  • Nomad
  • Northern Boglands
  • Northgate Fields
  • Nowhere Forest
  • Nowhere Timberlands
  • Omar's Tackle Shop
  • Overconfident
  • Oyster Pearl Ring
  • Pacifist
  • Passing Kraken
  • Personal Dirigible
  • Persuasive
  • Phantom Shadows
  • Plummet
  • Polluted Water
  • Pooka Mask
  • Porta-Sphinx
  • Possessed
  • Press Gang
  • Progress
  • Propaganda
  • Proselytizing Velociraptors
  • Qadan, The City of Clouds
  • Racoon Pooka
  • Rat Apple Fields
  • Rat Apples
  • Rational
  • Razor Hawks
  • Red Herring
  • Reflective
  • Remorseless
  • Renegade Cog
  • Renewed Vigor
  • Repeating Crossbow
  • Residential Mechopolis
  • Reweaving
  • Riddle Gate
  • Ring of Karma
  • River of Sludge
  • Road Crew
  • Road of the Sleeping Giant
  • Road to Kelwrath's Volcano
  • Road to Skyeholme
  • Road to the Fallen Lands
  • Robust
  • Rose-Colored Goggles
  • Rugged
  • Ruined Temple
  • Ruins of Srissan
  • Rust Bucket
  • Salamander
  • Sandman Pageant
  • Sands of Sleep
  • Sandstorm
  • Schism
  • Secret Tunnels
  • Seductive
  • Selina, Alternative Sluagh
  • Selkie (female)
  • Selkie Sealskin
  • Sewer Raft
  • Sharktooth Sword
  • Ship in a Bottle
  • Shooting Star [errata: cost 3 on back]
  • Shrewd
  • Shrink Lamp
  • Side Track
  • Sidewinder
  • Skeleton Key
  • Sky Ray
  • Slammer, Triton Mercenary
  • Sluagh
  • Sluagh (female)
  • Sluagh (male)
  • Sluagh Shadow Shoes
  • Smog Cloud
  • Sociopathic Steam Sprites
  • Sooper Gloo
  • South of Sybilline
  • Southern Wastelands
  • Splendour Brook
  • Splendour River
  • Splendour Riverbed
  • Springheel Jack
  • Spyglass
  • Star Body
  • Steam-powered Flight Rig
  • Steelwing, the Steam Drake
  • Stilt Gators
  • Stinking Rich
  • Storm Clouds
  • Storm Maker
  • Streetwise
  • Stronger Than You Look
  • Stupid
  • Submissive
  • Svelte
  • Swamp of Fingers
  • Sweatshop Heat
  • Tangle Vines
  • Tempest
  • Tempting Illusion
  • Tenacious
  • Tenderfoot
  • The 4man
  • The Ant Hill
  • The Dance
  • The Eastern Grey River
  • The Far Steppes
  • The Giant's Breath
  • The Giant's Third Eye
  • The Great Caliph
  • The Great Caliph's Respect
  • The Great Dam
  • The Lighthouse
  • The Mirage
  • The Pipeline
  • The Promenade
  • The Secret Trail
  • The Shipyards
  • The Skywalk
  • The Sleeping Giant
  • The Slums
  • The Tower of King Ironheart
  • The Vortex
  • The Wastelands
  • Thick-Skinned
  • Tiger Trap
  • Timberlands of Grey Filth
  • Time Clock
  • Tornado
  • Torque Wrench
  • Triton
  • Tsu Coastline
  • Tsu Ocean (1)
  • Tsu Ocean (2)
  • Twist, Redcap Urchin
  • Undercity Slave Pits
  • Uptown
  • Useless Sycophant
  • Vain
  • Veiled Eyes
  • Vigorous
  • Volcanic Plain
  • Waste Tunnels
  • Wasted Fields
  • Weapons Master
  • Weaver Ward
  • West Cog Tower
  • Western Access Tunnels
  • Western Moor
  • Western Watch Tower
  • Wily
  • Wind Pistol
  • Wind Runner
  • Worn Out
  • Wyld Boars
  • Wyvern
  • Zip of Zeppelins

    Up for Trade:

  • None



  • Wandering Imp

    Up for Trade:

  • None

