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Celebrating our Berner Veterans

In Loving Memory of


Maric's Savannah Blue

May 8th 1996 to September 22nd 2008

Owned loved and so sadly missed by Sue Eller

Savanna's Longshot, Rhode Island Specialty April '08

Taken on the way home from the Rhode Island Specialty

"Savannah and Nexi were pooped."

"It seems like I have been holding my breath since the Specialty, as Savannah did not seem to handle the drive back as well as I had hoped. Once things seemed to get back to normal, I noticed that a lump on her shoulder had doubled in size. I had it removed in early August; after she was anesthetized, we discovered another mass on her epiglottis. Pathology was duplicated at Hopkins and Michigan; the mass from her shoulder was hemangiosarcoma, the one from her epiglottis was lymphoma. This was all in addition to the malignant histio that she has had since the summer of 2005! No one seems to recall a history of another dog with three types of cancer concurrently.

Recovery from surgery was a bit rough, as I again thought I might lose her at any point, but recover she did. We took things slowly, but steadily. Last week, she seemed to be a bit wobbly, but okay otherwise. I left her at my friend's house for the few days that I was involved with my niece's wedding. Saturday she seemed to be much worse; she could barely stand, and by that evening I knew my days with her were ending. We spent the last few days outside enjoying the weather, and the nights cuddling on the floor. Monday, we took one last ride with the windows down; she seemed to truly relax. As I held her in my arms, she was gently helped to the Bridge. I buried her at our "vacation home", at the edge of the woods where we used to roam with leisure, and next to the rescue dog that lost her life far too soon. Next spring, she will get a pink dogwood tree planted in her honor. "

Some earlier pics of Savannah and happy memories

Puppy Kiss.

Jump for Joy!

Smell the flowers!

Puppy on deck

Puppy Tilt

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