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Celebrating our Berner Veterans

In Loving Memory of

Chloe Belle

Meadow Wood's Beautiful Belle

August 11th 1999 to October 8th 2010

Proudly owned by Cheryl and Art Lazarus and family and now so very sadly missed.

Yesterday we lost our first berner, Chloe. She was 11 years old. I was too upset to write the group when this happened, but my daughter wrote a tribute to the BARC group and I wanted to send that to you. As some of you know, my daughter, Aryn, has been rescuing berners since she was 13 years old. She is now 16 and has turned into an amazing young woman.

"Yesterday we helped our first berner, Chloe Belle, over to the rainbow bridge. I am positive that she was greeted by Champ with open paws and he is now showing her around. They were best friends. Chloe had stopped eating on Sunday and was losing weight. As of last week she was down to 58 lbs (she was 75 lbs. just a year and a half ago) and she was pretty much starving to death. She had what looked almost like a seizure on Tuesday and the little food she ate she couldn't keep down.

We had to make the very tough decision. We drove down the shore to our amazing primary vet today so she could go peacefully. Dr. G suspects that she had some sort of GI cancer, but being over 11, we weren't going to put her through any sort of testing. Chloe was telling us it was time.

Chloe changed my life and made me the person I am today. If we didn't get that beautiful little berner girl from an amazing breeder (who we still keep in touch with!) in Washington state than I would not have the honor to know this amazing rescue, and I wouldn't be active in the fight against puppy mills. That berner boy in the pet store 3 years ago wouldn't have fazed me if I didn't have my bouncy girl at home. I wouldn't have the dream to become a vet and own an animal rescue if it wasn't for my Chloe. She was the sunshine in our lives and she was the most human like dog we will ever have. She was in touch with our emotions like no other animal I've seen and she loved to cuddle, do her "berner leans" and "berner speak." She was amazing.

I'm sure that Chloe is now at peace, but now the hard part begins for us.

I thank God we had this amazing dog for as long as we did.

Chloe Belle, have too much fun over at the bridge, say hi to Champ for me, and put that weight back on.

Thank you for changing my life. I love you sweet princess...

Aryn and family
with Bozzie and Rescue girl Delylah With Champ and Chloe forever in our hearts"

Cheryl Lazarus

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